Flarisu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Leadership? Oh, he's resigning?

Hey... I don't see anything about O'toole's resignation due to his loss of an election to some of the worst canadian leaders of all time in here. This is another annoying covid policy.

Maybe that would be a good sign of leadership?

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I got a 14d ban because I said a shorter version of the same thing.

Apparently, even in reddit's blurb on covid info, it does say that vaccinations have not been proven to, nor ever claimed to prevent spread. Mod didn't respond to me when I told them that though.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

haha jokes on him none of us wear a mask either

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

All my military friends have been doing jack shit since then. Granted - we only have like 7000 people in the armed forces, so its not like we have a big military.

Flarisu 3 points ago +3 / -0

Literally anyone outside of Edmonton walks around without a mask and doesn't care one lick. I'm talking Leduc, Nisku, Acheson, Calmar, Devon, all those rural areas surrounding west Ed.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

WE had Mckenna for years and she was annoying but ultimately powerless and useless. I don't see how this guy can do any worse.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

we out of afghanistan now, so our military literally has nothing to do

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

The equalization referendum was stupid. Alberta is of course going to be biased about equalization since we're the richest province per capita. Equalization was designed to take wealth from Alberta, so no shit they're not going to like it.

Problem is, everyone knows AB doesn't like it, so making it 'official' in a referendum achieves jack shit. At least we didnt waste a lot by having the referendum - it was tacked on to our municipal election block.

Flarisu 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well it is a ten-year old tweet, so she might not believe this anymore.

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh we can. Will an expansion in production be possible? It already is. Oil exports would have to increase by a pretty large margin for it to be above capacity. Just because keystone xl expansion was cancelled doesn't mean that three other major expansions didn't go through.

The biggest buyer will be the US who, for some reason, shot themselves in the foot on oil.

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Assuming they offered membership to the union, there would be a lot of advantages. One advantage is we could take the health care we so cherish and make it a state implemented program, so we wouldn't even have to lose that.

Sadly, such a thing would never happen unless there was a war fought on our soil, or other circumstances of extreme duress.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

My guess is the phrase "Are you a business that can supply products and services in support of Canada’s response to COVID-19? Canada wants to hear from you." is inserted in the search index.

A lot of government purchasing websites are really, really shitty, speaking as a person who sells things to the government fairly often.

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they shouldn't. They'd lose a lot just for a bit of sovereignty. Its a cool idea, but it's also a stupid idea.

Fact of the matter is this is still a country, and free movement within it is part of what makes it free. When we start cloistering off into city-states and province-countries that causes more problems than it solves.

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

ehhh date the listing was modified March 2, 2016

Flarisu 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alberta grew too much in the last decade, people swarming in hoping to enjoy the higher per capita earnings, the highest paid public sector in all of Canada, the low taxes and the general prosperity that all those things bring.

As people piled in, that prosperity began to diminish somewhat - the same public services we paid a lot for couldn't help everyone, and people started to demand more free stuff from the government (a government which is running very low to the ground and doesnt have a lot of money for free stuff).

As people leave, those who remain will see their lives return to normalcy as the insane price spikes make commodity prices shoot through the roof. Almost all those leaving are definitely lefties, those who are conservative here aren't in a position to leave (or have a job that requires them to be here).

And.. as time goes, people will see the prosperity Alberta gains having lost a bunch of nonproductive citizens and think "oh, people there are doing well, maybe I'll pile in, too!". The cycle will repeat!

Flarisu 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought this was what differentiated CPC from losers like the NDP who keep fielding Jagmeet that Quebec refuses to vote for and instead of changing strategies and trying to win - they keep fielding the candidate.

I could be proven wrong - O'Toole still has a chance to step down and do the right thing here, there is plenty of time, but seeing as there very likely will be a new election in 18 months, these next few months would be the limit.

Flarisu 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude, when you fail, step down. I don't get why these nuts think they somehow deserve to be leader after failing the #1 thing we hired them to do.

Back in 2015 when Jim Prentice suddenly, and to everyone's surprise, lost Alberta's 80 year conservative rule streak to the NDP due to a split conservative vote, he literally stepped down in his concession speech - this is what you do when you fail the party.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

People elect female MPs all the time, hell, like 20% of elected MP's are women, and I most certainly have voted for female MP's before.

But if the plurality of Canadians would vote for Trudeau (so far, they haven't, by vote count, anyways), then they would be dumb enough to think that being a woman is enough to disqualify you from PM.

Flarisu 3 points ago +3 / -0

on the contrary, I don't think normies will vote for a woman if they can avoid it

Flarisu 5 points ago +6 / -1

You kidding? We want that garbage fire diversity hire to lead the party, sending it smoldering off the side of the road.

Flarisu 4 points ago +4 / -0

The one who most needs to is O'Toole. Shows how silly public opinion is.

edit: Correct - Jagmeet most needs to, he's lost the NDP three elections and remains 100% of the reason the NDP lost any presence in quebec.

Flarisu 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are some things that are definitely true in here, particularly about how the virus works.

Many other sources have come to the conclusion that mass vaccination is removing normal evolutionary pressure for the virus to become less lethal, and it is right about the spikes and vaccine working on them. Adding this source to that pile does make me more inclined to believe them.

But the whole casus belli thing, or the Fauci grand conspiracy or the graphene mind control drugs thing... I am not inclined to believe those.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the people whining about Kenney and how he's handling the pandemic. Regardless of his performance, it could have been a lot worse. We should be grateful of that, at least.

Flarisu 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, you mean the party leader who wasn't ousted from the party from losing an election because she's literally the only - singular competent person in the entire party?

If you believe it, everyone I know who voted for her are coming to me saying "look at the polling shes totally going to win" despite being obliterated by 20 points the second the UCP ran against them.

It's going to be fun watching her lose again on 2023 for sure.

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