I'm just glad he is wearing his face diaper so he doesn't speak moistly on them.
I'm curious to see how long these two will stay buddies this time.
I fail to see the missing context.
The article is about Germany why would I talk about the Soviet Union?
Well we all know their history I'm surprised they haven't made the unvaccinated wear armbands yet.
So why doesn't the third wave have the corresponding death rates to the fist and secound waves?
I say get the jab or don't do your research and make the decision what's best for you. I generally am annoyed by people who are sanctimonious cunts on either side of the argument, get off your soap box no one cares what you think.
That boy is big enough to burn diesel.
This the CERB is also taxable income I suspect Trudies popularity is going to fall off a cliff when tax time rolls around. We also need the NDP to suck less to bleed the liberals from the left.
I think it is very low 1 maybe 2 out of 10. I think they will continue with the current tactic of squeezing the unvaccineted out of society.