Hirudinea 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well you can't do anything to the holy BIPOC "folks" so you have to attack those evil law abiding whites so you can look, to the general idiot public, like your actually doing something when you really can't do anything (cause you're a liberal pussy!)

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, no, no, no, you just don't understand. Those wonderful Antifa folks didn't "shoot" that evil anti-vaxxer, they just gave him a high velocity vaccination!

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to get rid of activist judges, which means about 98% of them!

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Liberals will ... (make) it easier to find an affordable place to call home"

And if re-elected they will, cardboard boxes are surprisingly affordable.

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

That presupposes that he was Liberal leader in the first place and not just a PM puppet with the right name and a "pretty" face.

Hirudinea 4 points ago +4 / -0

This woman is obviously mentally ill and is taking it out on her family, forget getting her vaccinated get her to a shrink now!

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

Totally senseless, just what you'd expect from the Liberals.

Hirudinea 1 point ago +1 / -0

"What happened today was despicable, it was hateful, it was wrong. It was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who is gripped by an ideology that is not supported here by anyone," Ardern said.

Quran, Surah 9-5: "...fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war);..."

Yeah, sure, totally an individual act, nothing to do with anything else.

Hirudinea 1 point ago +1 / -0

He must have been considering he was a rent boy in Vienna before WWI.

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope so but I'm pessimistic enough not to believe it until Sept 21. Liberals do anything to win.

Hirudinea 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keeping my fingers crossed but if the Liberals do loose I will watch Justin's concession speech with a glass of port and a great big simle!

Hirudinea 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canadian Liberals freak out at the thought of anyone left of Mao in government.

Hirudinea 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good definition, but the majority of Canadians have never heard of this and think equate an "Assault Rifle" with "Big, Scary Gun"! And that is something no one on the left wants to change that impression. And if O'Toole did repeal the ban on automatic rifles I wouldn't have a problem with that. Punish criminals, not law abiding Canadians!

Hirudinea 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ooooooh, so brave! This guy would last 5 seconds with his ancestors, pathetic! And imagine if I did this to Turdeau, I would be in jail for the rest of my life. (But I won't do it because Justin isn't worth wasting an egg on.)

Hirudinea 2 points ago +3 / -1

No shit! Here are some quotes from his diary on his visit to Berlin in '37,

"He smiled very pleasantly and indeed has a sort of appealing and affectionate look in his eyes. My sizing up of the man as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellowmen.

It is truly marvelous what he has attained unto himself through his self education. He has much the same kind of composed exterior with a deep emotional nature within. His face is much more prepossessing than his pictures would give the impression of. It is of a calm, passive man, deeply and thoughtfully in earnest. His skin was smooth; his face did not present lines of fatigue or wariness; his eyes impressed me most of all. There was a liquid quality about them which indicate keen perception and profound sympathy. He looked most direct at me in our talks together at the time.

He would turn and look at me sideways and would smile in a knowing way, he would give a look of recognition and smile pleasantly. He has a very nice, sweet wearing an evening dress, I could not but think of Joan of Arc. He is distinctly a mystic feel that he was a mission from God. He is a teetotaler and also a vegetarian. Is unmarried, abstemist in all his habits and ways. Indeed his life as one gathers it from those who are closest to him would appear to be that very much of a recluse, excepting that he comes in contact with youth. There was a little girl who wanted to get his autograph, when he saw this little child, she changed his whole nature to one of joy. He said his passion for the youth of the country is very great. He is particularly strong on beauty, loves flowers and will spend more of the money of the State on gardens and flowers than on most other things."

The guy was a fucking loon and it's a shame we didn't hang his Granddaddy so we could have avoided him too.

Hirudinea 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember what Elections Canada says, Liberal voters vote on Sept. 20th, everybody else votes Sept. 21st.

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