Greta has very shitty parents.
Trudeau response:
Democrats are weak people.
Leafs in 4
When the 1st world stops the 3rd world starves.
Colon Krapperneck
Imagine if that closeted gay meth head won.
Biden is pro late term abortion, shouldn't that automatically disqualify him for the catholic vote?
He wuz a guud boy.
Systemic racism made him do it
He was an anti American hippie.
Doug Ford has failed Ontario, open for business right?
They're always middle eastern, once in awhile it's a white or black guy.
Theirs no reasoning with a violent mob, they don't give a shit if you're a Democrat. Looks like big boy might change his political affiliations.
CBC, where straight white males are literally Satan.
Better than Sanjay Gupta
The west is doomed with this type of leadership.
Diversity hire
Womans liberation is working as intended.
The green party is super woke, im surprised they didn't choose a post on tranny.
The country with the highest suicide rate in the world beat us, wow.
Half of the people using the #PrayForTrump hashtag are still wishing for Trumps death.
I expect full mental breakdowns if Trump wins.