A million for a house isn't a bubble. Just the other day I spent $600 on a value meal at Popeyes.
"In February, the Science Table said the province could see up to 4,000 new cases per day by the end of March in a worst-case scenario."
Ya, not quite the worst case scenario. Like when Ford said last March there would be 15,000 dead in 2 months.
Cue the media cricket's.
These #'s apply to all major league franchises, as well.
Remember, boycotts work. That's why the media tells you that boycotts DON'T work.
Keep your boot on their neck and keep applying pressure.
After killing off 80% of Sunnybrook patients due to covid, why set up shop outside when killing the elderly can be done from the comfort of inside?
That is, unfortunately, some very funny/true shit.
Forget it, they can have 4.5 million and not a penny more!
Since it's long been decided this pick is going to be a womxn, can trudeau at least have the good grace to make it one who has nice tits?
When did the Chinese run out if our money?
A drop in the bucket went home, and they'll be back when the economy is thriving.
The guys name in meyers and he isn't Jewish?
Good job appropriating that name, goy.
I'd rather be labeled domestic terrorist for not taking the jab than to be called bells palsy face for taking the jab.
Sidewalk piss, unearthed dog shit, drive-by shootings.
English language first, then French.
Francophobes. The whole damn lot of them.
Remember when we were told the summer months won't kill the spread, and then when it did we were told the summer months killed the spread...and remember at band camp....
Awesome comment.
They can now make a tidy wage by being bloggers. I mean, in this economy and their killer skillz....
Even if someone from the royals did question having mixed blood in the monarchy, is that such a bad thing?
It's one of those things that even if you score the highest, you still suck.
Little mosque on the Prarie?
The left are big Darwinians, so there ya go.
Anyone ever look at her immediate family?
Take a peak at that and then tell me the royals are the problem.
Quickest read ever. One paragraph.
Womyn - corrected your spelling mistake.
"Face masks are a ‘ticking plastic bomb’: Three MILLION coverings are thrown out every minute and serve as carriers for other toxicants in the environment"
That's over 4.3 billion masks thrown away each day. And over 1.5 trillion masks a year.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, ya earth rapists.