I think all these problems with the system began when women and non-whites began to expose them.... after women and non-whites were allowed into the system.
Quoi? C'est stoooopide de dire ca.
Mais, nous Canadiennes aujourdui sont pas des "personnes" alors peut-etre qui vous sommes correcte.
I am a bilingual illeterate.
A US merc was head of security at Canadian embassy?
Yes I hear you. I quit a job at a place that hired about 200 Indians and the trash on the lawn became overwhelming. They'd just abandon food packaging on the picnic tables despite trash cans RIGHT BESIDE them. But I quit because I cam to understand the opening sequence of Fresh Prince where Will Smith holds his nose and tells the Sikh Indian cab driver "Yo, Home, Smell ya later"
Now I live in a building with TWO Indian persons who moved in in May and garbage is being left everywhere. McDonald's cups left anywhere, Brown bags with Fish & Chips packaging hidden behind doors, etc - other residents are like bloodhounds now, trying to figure out where the smells are coming from until they find it.
I swear some came hear just to get treated and are going right back to India after they recover.
...but not before they sponsor-in their quota! (probably for a fee!)
"Its not here but dont forget to be scared anyway."
Remember to wear sunscreen so the person beside you doesn't get skin cancer.
Supply Management by government
and having government involved in opening new markets
... is how we got OVER-extended into USA and blamed USA (Trump) for favoring US farmers by shutting Canadian farmers out. Same with lumber and oil.
If our government creates it, ours or another government can destroy it. .
I was thinking Bill too.
Apparently a lot of people believed the Kiltons were involved from the moment they heard of the assassination. They really defrauded Haiti out of a lot of US emergency money and took a few _____ from them too. With help from someone who did not kill himself.
Funny, I could tell you FOR FREE that there is only racism where there is diversity.
Light-skinned Blacks don't like Dark-skinned Blacks.
Zuly Blacks don't like Xhosa Blacks.
Muslim Indians don't like Sikh Indians.
Habs fans don't like Bruins fans. You CAN'T FIX THAT.
But if one doesn't act like an entitled POS, they'll have no problem
in the territory of the other ... but they can't expect SPECIAL BENEFITS
nor to be treated AS EQUALS by the locals.
Imagine a Habs fan trying to push Poutine on New Englanders. Sheesh.
Thanks for the contextual tweet.
*...Trudeau insists that he’s “...the bride at every wedding".
Thank-you. LOL
This is not far from the truth. I love how he want for the "photo op".
What will happen when Canadian First Nations discover that his father was Prime Minister AND CATHOLIC during about 15 of the years (1968–1979; 1979-1984) the Residential Schools were in operation?
Winnipeg Scientists
Why can't they say CHINESE Scientists ?
How about: The vaccines don't work ANYWAY
I'd vote for Max even if he said he was a Communist...because he still wants to protect Canadians and Canadian values from "others".
Far better than the Libtards and Cuckservatives and NDP who won't admit it.
What would protect small family farms is
- no sales of farmland to corporations and anyone but Canadians who plan to farm it, themselves or through leasing
- Tax exemption for diesel fuel used ON FARM and family-owned farmland
The rest would work itself out.
Of course the Clintons are not involved at all. BAHAHAHAHA
Decentralize and deregulate medicine now
All we really need to do FIRST is ONE of the many thingsTommy Douglas stated as required;
- Don't give it free to new citizens who CHOOSE to come here - it is the primary thing that is clogging-up the system.
Liberals gave it away FREE ... and now there isn't enough of it to go around.
Bill C-230 would require the Canadian government to collect data on “negative health outcomes in communities that have been affected by environmental racism”
Would this include White Canadians suffering serious issues for undue time because doctors need to spend so much time with Multi-Shade Foreigners who have a minor issue and can't communicate well in English or French and doctors need to be sure of what's going on so they don't get sued?
Looking forward to biased and unbalanced enforcement/misuse of this law.
What’s important is the submission.
It's like a misnomer:
They call the rights to "kill baby in-utero" **Reproduction Rights"
It is not a campaign to vaccinate for herd immunization
it is a campaign to have the herd declare their submission
Have you made your COVID submission declaration?
Thankfully NO Canadians are "immunized". They are just "vaccinated" - for a disease which can be contracted multiple times, so vaccination will not provide immunization (something the body does in response to a pathogen)
Organizing anti-Canada protests is free speech
Not when they intend to deface or destroy property such as statues
or do other criminal activity such as
- disrupt traffic
- road blockade (as differentiated from "traffic disruption" ; total stop )
- riot
- disturb the peace
- instigate violence
- utter "hate speech" at Canada, Canadians, or members of any group or institution. It's the law now. Not my idea, just tellin' ya.
No. Free speech is free speech.
Defacing statues, organizing "anti-Canada protest" is not "free speech".
Damn. You make a good point.
We don't need a solution.
We just need to stop allowing people to make problems.