MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe they should try participating in municipal elections. Small steps to show people that they can govern, and their ideas are good. The conservatives still need to get their act together and start acting like conservatives, not liberal light.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

There will come a breaking point. It's always the case. The tyrants always push a little harder until one shove is one too many. In the meantime, take your vitamins and stay healthy.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right on every point. The push to knock him down is one of the greatest crimes this century. The willingness of people to close their eyes or look the other way will come back to haunt us all.

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media, the Clintons, the democrats, the FBI, the DOJ, CIA, Obama administration- enemies foreign and domestic- all colluded to bring down Trump. This is the real danger to all of our countries. Especially when most people are still ignorant of what is happening and afraid to rock the boat.

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're slowly letting people know that the vaccines suck in order to get them to accept booster shots.

MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can see the sweat on your brow from here. Better ask for a pay raise to keep correcting the record. Also make sure there's a clause in your contract that you will not be held liable when the NUREMBERG trials begin.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the point. We don't know the long term consequences of vaccinating people, and therefore it is an experiment. We know the vaccines are not safe in the short term, no matter how much you want it to be otherwise. This experiment shows that we do not know the long term consequences of vaccinating people with these experimental vaccines.

Our study postulates that it is imperative to consider the potential long-term impact of vaccination to certain medical conditions34 or to general human health

Who will be held accountable if it turns out that the vaccines have adverse long term effects?

NUREMBERG here we come!

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what happens when you're full of it. Let's go, Brandon!

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Strangely, the 'lockdowns' in BC were not as severe as other provinces. Still, Dix and Bonnie are the gruesome twosome.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaccines are dangerous and ineffective junk. There is a reason why you need five or more years to develop them and why nothing has worked against any other coronavirus. And yes, I have heard the propaganda that the vaccines have been studied for years (misleading info). They have never been applied at this scale, and the times when they tried, the experiments had to come to an end because of factors like ADE and OAS. But you don't care about that because your job is to correct the record.

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Earning our keep with the propaganda, are we? Haha. You're transparent. Your precious vaccine is junk, and this is becoming clearer by the day.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

This ain't reddit, son. Haha. You have no power here. The gall.

"That should be in the title."

Would you like a trigger warning too?

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +2 / -1

You seem like a smart enough (though somewhat misguided) fellow. You should know by now the massive amounts of censorship going on for merely discussing certain topics like ivermectin and dangerous vaccine side-effects. If you don't know, then do your homework. But I suspect that you do know, which is why I also think that you're getting paid to come and post here. You're not going to convince anyone here that coercing people into taking a chemical that alters their body is a good idea. Not gonna happen. But you've been assigned to this place in order to "correct the record" and hopefully muffle the signal. The thing about the truth is this: it has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you not been paying attention to the censorship all around you? You're either willfully blind or getting paid good cash for posting propaganda.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ignorance comes from those who have failed to learn the lesson from history in which millions of people were maimed and killed with science by a government that thought they were doing the right thing for their survival. That is ignorance, my friend, and you should do well never to forget that lesson.

MrPussyWhiskers 5 points ago +5 / -0

It seems that necrosis keeps popping up in different places where the vaccines are administered. Where there is a smoking gun...

Minnesota medical worker has both of her legs AMPUTATED after contracting COVID-19 just days after receiving her second vaccine dose

Jummai Nache, from Minneapolis, Minnesota, received the second dose of her COVID-19 vaccine on February 1

Days later, she felt chest pains and was rushed to the hospital, where she tested positive for the virus

Philip is not satisfied with the CDC's findings and still has questions.

He wonders why he himself did not contract COVID from his wife despite their close contact.

Doctors diagnosed her with arterial blood clots multiple inflammatory syndrome (MIS), a condition where multiple organs in the body become inflamed.

The agency could not determine whether the vaccine played a role in her condition, however.

Jummai's health rapidly deteriorated and she had to have of her legs amputated Medical experts are unsure whether the vaccine caused her complications, while her husband searches for answers

Jummai will soon need her hands amputated as well, though her heart has fully recovered


MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ridiculous. Put a lawyer in charge of national defense. What could go wrong?

If you're in the military, please don't quit. Stand fast. The enemy wants you to retreat. They'll try to smoke you out with their woke (communist) agenda. Know that you have the support of those of us who still believe in the values you're defending.

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's good to know that you're keeping track of every hospital and patient across the world, and you can come and give us your words of wisdom.

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'll come around eventually. Many of them have no choice, or are wildly misinformed by the corporate media. We are against a juggernaut of fake news and censorship. But eventually, they'll come around to the idea that a government cannot force or coerce people to inject a dangerous substance into their bodies.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

The behavior of governments and big pharma in the past is very relevant to covid testing today. Saying otherwise is just burying your head in the sand.

If the vaccine is not 100% safe and 100% effective, then the decision on whether I want to take this dangerous and ineffective chemical is mine and mine alone. It is not the choice of a coercive government that is in cahoots with profit oriented companies and hateful media corps.

This is a global pandemic that leftist governments and big pharma are taking advantage of for profit and power. Vaccines are putting people in hospitals and/or six feet under.

MrPussyWhiskers 8 points ago +9 / -1

Who pissed in your cereal today? Your wife's boyfriend?

MrPussyWhiskers 2 points ago +3 / -1

The problem is who decides when, where, and how you get vaccinated. Big pharma has trail of bodies in third world countries where they went ahead with vaccines that were not ready and instead ended up killing people, including children. If the vaccine was 100% safe, 100% effective, and everyone involved had the purest motives, then you would have a point. But the vaccine is not safe, it is not effective, and the motive of those involved is questionable. But you go ahead ahead and enjoy your shots. Just following orders.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Canadian sub reddits are freaking out.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck China. Fuck Communism.

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