Pegases 10 points ago +10 / -0

remember when Alberta had 0 reported cases of the Flu for the whole year during peak Covid? Surely two diseases with the same exact symptom list wouldn't confuse your little test would it?

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

clearly you don't enjoy a good chimpout party pooper.

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for all those professionally framed and shot pictures, which are totally average everyday people and not models for some news story.

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

who the fuck is wearing a n95 mask? I never saw a single person wear one during the mask mandate.

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really floors me when they say medical masks filter much of anything when most of the air, thus your aerosols travel effortlessly out the side of the mask.

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

inconvenient fact, most virus particles are 30 nanometers, covid is a large virus at 125 nanometeres. exhaled aerosols range from 100 to 500 nanometers, a n95 filter is rated up to 300 nanometers.

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many studies do you want?

The biggest study was Florida vs New York and it failed to produce any meaningful difference. Also a few studies does not mean the conclusion they draw are accurate. There are a few studies the point to the opposite of yours, that are just as credible, if not more.

And the virus doesn't crawl around by itself - it's carried in the water droplets.

Actually it is also spread with aerosols, which are much finer than water droplets caused by coughing and such. They are fine enough to penetrate the mask, which is easily self observed if you wear a mask in the cold. read this if you need a study first result in google. Also what happens to the virus when the moisture evaporates? Does it disappear? Surely it wouldn't just dislodge from the mask now would it?

That's simply wrong. They're for sale at every hardware store in the country.

uh, no duh, that's where they always are, for when you are using them for their intended task of filtering fine sanding particles and such. but I'll say this for the millionth time, nobody ever provided or mandated the n95 mask during the pandemic.

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

covid cases per one million people

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

Total cases per million? Florida has more than New York.

Total deaths per million? Florida has more than New York.

The difference is like 0.2%, statistically that is no difference.

Choosing to ignore the research that proves the effectiveness of masks at reducing the damage from the virus is your choice.

I am not choosing to ignore, I am looking at the contradictory facts that point to that study being incorrect. Take for instance it is impossible for the masks to be effective when the water vapor and virus particle size are much smaller than the surgical masks would be physically able to capture. and before you go 'but muh n95 masks' again, no one ever wore those out in public, we were never mandated to wear that type of mask, etc.....

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

Again: be suspicious of anonymous people on the Internet who don't supply the source of their numbers

bro, I am using the fucking website you keep posting

OP seems to be having trouble with the idea that "per million" represents a rate

fine you want to do by per capita, then explain to me, why New York(one of the most masked), and Florida(no masks) are ranked 9 and 7 respectively? instead of ranking by a tiny state and a large state like you are trying to compare. Dishonest stat manipulation by the way.

n95 mask argument again

And again I will state nobody was wearing those, medical masks were given out publicly, not m95 masks, etc....

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

You were claiming - with no proof - they did something right at one point.

I said they did nothing at all, and this proves that the mask mandates didn't do anything useful due to the results that are within margin of error of the national average.

you are comparing a fatality rate of 0.9, 1.14, and 1.10(national average) If you lined up 1000 people prom each group and killed that many, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

also you are comparing apples and oranges when you compare one of the largest states which many people travel to for vacation, and Maine with one of the smallest populations. The whole state of Maine is smaller than the population of a city in one of the larger states. Everyone is much more spread out on average.

Why don't you point to Alaska as an example of masks working. They only had a 0.4% fatality rate. Oh, whats this? They didn't have a mask requirement? oh well that doesn't fit the narrative so that doesn't count.

comparatively one of the most masked states had a fatality rate of 1.13 which was New York

Would seem to me that density of population dictates the lethality, not making

live in a small town, it took almost 2 years before covid spread here enough that I caught it.

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

That one was all about influenza specifically

Covid was not around yet, but you can apply the results to covid because they are both respiratory virus' that spread through aspirated aerosolized particles. They basically share the same exact symptom list as well. In fact, this study is extra damning for face masks as covid spreads much more easily, that if face masks don't work on the flu, they certainly aren't going to work on covid.

n95 work, only for the user, only if properly fit tested, plus nobody wears them, plus they are so uncomfortable people won't wear them, no need to tread old ground.

top quarter of the US states, way higher on the list for population.

somehow to you that means they are doing something wrong. if doing nothing was actually so horrible, they would be the worst on the list, not top quarter.

check your math, Maine fatality rate is 0.9, florida is 1.1

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're free to believe whatever you want

do I really have to post the CDC study that was a cumulative of 10 studies that concludes masks do nothing for respiratory viruses? You seemed to have ignored it last time I did so I don't see the point this time.

Why don't you google that and let us know? Then tell us what you're talking about.

Alright, I googled it, and it says a single virus particle can make you sick, so your stupid cloth masks that aren't 100% effective are actually useless.

Florida's death rate from covid is in the top 25% of states.

Florida is the third largest state with the highest elderly population, and yet the fatality rate is under 1%

And wearing masks.

seems kind of a stretch now, doesn't it?

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

"100% protection or they're useless" well, how many virus particles have to enter your body before you get sick?

also another bullshit story, Florida did fuck all for covid and it did perfectly fine for the first 8 months.

but seriously, the reason communities with mask mandates spread a bit slower was because people were terrified like it was the plague, and were super social distancing, which is the only thing that is effective against a virus like that. a little piece of cloth that isn't even sealed around your face isn't going to protect you from anything.

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

do you not understand that it takes a ballpark number of a viral load to infect people. lets say a face diaper mask only lets through 10 percent of a viral load of one breath in close proximity to you, do you get sick. If the answer is yes, then they are useless even if they 'do something'

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

no but it speaks to the efficacy of those masks.

P.S. I already know more than 10% get through, I was just trying to give you a best case scenario because what you are advocating for is a pointless waste of energy

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

if only 10 percent got through would you still get sick?

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

These masks don't catch your breath's aerosolised water vapours, breathing out in the cold demonstrates this clearly. The science pre covid was medical masks don't do squat to combat the spread of a respiratory virus.

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

#1 Nobody wears n95 masks, never even seen a nurse with one on. They also only protect you if you are wearing one, not others.

#2 other masks don't do anything useful when it comes to respiratory viral spread

Pegases 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought we settled this last year. I posted a study that pulled data from 10 other studies that concluded that masks do nothing for airborne respiratory viral infections. You couldn't really argue against that. The source was the CDC.

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

bet they build more shitty wind turbines

Pegases 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since you are completely ignoring that the vaccine could never prevent transmission, thus this was never a 'preventable pandemic', I would just like to say you could at least link to a article that exists lest you look like a retard. Also traditional 'flu shots' never stopped transmission, nice try though.

Pegases 3 points ago +3 / -0

anyone paying attention knows it's much more than reckless. WEF pushing these policies across the entire developed world. Looks more like intentional sabotage to me.

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