Wow, a medical professional never ever suggested I wear a mask during flu season, and the numerous pre-covid studies that concluded that they were not effective would suggest any medical profession that did, was in fact a quack
Hey everybody, this guy's a phony, a big fat zombie phony!
My co-worker's account actually has -500 karma from farming downvotes
Don't get your info from facebook folks. This was just global warming. Happened all the time in the past. Here, have an irreverent government statistics link
edit - shit, forgot to switch accounts
here is why your study is dumb.
- Old people are typically republican
- Old people die to covid much more often then young people.
- Corrupt officials were placing covid positive individuals in retirement homes, further increasing the old people death rate.
- Even though both categories performed similarly, the previous points allowed the study to cook one sides numbers at a greater rate.
ok, so you can read, it's a start.
in link [2], it goes into greater depth of the demographics and lists them
Primary Course Completed % Uptake [65+yrs 99.9%] [50+yrs 99.9%] [18+yrs 98.0%]. The only demographic that isn't almost completely vaccinated is children.
Now even if you want to use the 84% number, it doesn't really help your case when you are trying to deflect from high vaccination rates, 84% is still really high. You are just making a semantic asshole argument that I have come to expect from you.
Just have to take their word for it I guess, or slog through the whole thing looking for it.
Holy shit, you just did that like 5 posts ago. Unlike you, I sometimes read the links you post.
damn, that's almost 0.1% of the worlds population over 3 years. how will we go on?
For real the amount of dead people would be much lower if they weren't intentionally killing people, and prescribed medication that worked like ivermectin