RightOfSask -1 points ago +2 / -3

Chretien rips on Trudeau


I don't know what you understand under "rips", but this is far from the definition of it.

RightOfSask -1 points ago +2 / -3

In the future, historians will talk about this period in history the same way we talk about the Salem witch trials, Stalin's reign of terror or Mao's cultural revolution.

Not really. They will talk about how the political polarization in Western countries gave China the opportunity to cement their place as world leader. Things like transgenderism or phobia will be just examples of this polarization in the West, but they will much more focus on things like social media or free speech vs. limited speech.

RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

And all three are very small social networks. So small that Trump would never use them, because he knows that it would be like shouting into a void.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +3 / -2

same authorities that vaccination doesn't effect infection and spread

They don't say that it doesn't effect transmission and spread. They say that the vaccine doesn't stop it. You can take a look at studies. It lowers the transmission rate (though it's not zero):





"However, data show fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2, and infections with the Delta variant in fully vaccinated persons are associated with less severe clinical outcomes. Infections with the Delta variant in vaccinated persons potentially have reduced transmissibility than infections in unvaccinated persons, although additional studies are needed."

Some tweets with out of context clips from Conservative pundits and news outlets just give you what you want to hear and not the truth.

until you get into batshit crazytown

It doesn't matter if it's batshit crazytown. Currently the electorate supports the measures. That's why you see even Conservative province (for Canadian standards) implementing measures that would make Democratic run states in the US look like a freedom utopia. A month ago you were defending O'Toole for pushing similar policies, because that's "how you win elections".

The question is, where does it end?

It will end like the flu. There will be annual of bi-annual booster shots until someone find a better way to treat Covid. The majority will skip those booster shots like with the flu shot, but I expect that the older or at-risk population will take them without making any ruckus. The masks will vanish after winter, vaccines passports too. Even Ontario announced today further steps by removing more restrictions.

None of its working, and there appears to be no exit strategy.

If I take a look at the deaths or the hospitalized and how many of them are vaccinated or not, it clearly is working. Almost 75% of people in Ontario which are hospitalized with Covid in Ontario (ICU and non-ICU patients) are unvaccinated. Unvaccinated make up only 16% in the province (12+). It the vaccines wouldn't work, you would have far more vaccinated people in the hospital. If 95% of the people would get vaccinated, this would end in a few weeks. And a way to increase vaccination rates is to punish unvaccinated. From a "freedom" aspect not a great way, but from a politicians's view with the support of the electorate it's a way to win the next election.

Also there are exit strategies. Canadian politicians are just more cautious.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +2 / -1

It won't be invite only for too long.

Invite only networks have very limited growth.

RightOfSask 4 points ago +6 / -2

Never have Canadian children been used as shields for adults.

You could argue that the chickenpox vaccine is there to shield adults. Death rate for kids with chickenpox is about 1 in 100,000. For adults it's 21 in 100,000 cases. And like the Covid vaccine, the chickenpox vaccine isn't 100% effective.

But it doesn't matter. Most Canadian parents are brainwashed and will get their kids vaccinated. In some provinces an elementary school kid can get the vaccine even without parental consent.

RightOfSask 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just tell them that Trump was the one who launched Operation Warpspeed and made the vaccine possible. If they have TDS, they won't vaccinate their kids.

RightOfSask -5 points ago +1 / -6

The japan medical association (their CDC) does recommend it.

It doesn't. You're free to prove me wrong. Ivermectin is not widely used in Japan.

RightOfSask -5 points ago +1 / -6

Ivermectin isn't approved or used in Japan. There was a Japanese doctor who recommended the government to approve Ivermectin, but to this day the Japanese government hasn't approved it.


They use Baricitinib with Remdivisir to treat Covid.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you follow the link to the actual item page there's no description there, just some listing data. So it looks like the descurion was removed, but is still lingering in the search system.

Do you see the yellow banner on top?

This is a header which is the same on any page on buyandsell.gc.ca. A few months ago this header looked like this:


Even on older pages (like the one with the tear gas grenades) this header will appear. Now they changed the header to something new and when the search engine will index the websites again, the Covid-19 mention on this specific page you linked will vanish.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good for Alberta (oil price doubled withing a year), bad for people who fill up their cars.

RightOfSask 3 points ago +4 / -1

I remember paying $1.40 in 2008 before the crash and then again in 2012 and 2013. It needs to be way higher before people wake up ...

RightOfSask 3 points ago +4 / -1

Don't worry. Immigrants will replace them.

RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, Trump is the greatest president of American history. No one else could have doubled the trade deficit with Mexico and spent as much as Obama in two legislative periods in just one. Only the greatest one can achieve that.

RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1


Because you don't have pedo tendencies like Trump.

This however, does.


RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

Would you talk about the breasts of your new born daughter?

RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

I never have. I even called him one.

But you seem to eager to defend Trump's pedo tendencies. Maybe you should walk up to a parent of a baby girl and ask about her breasts. Seems like this is totally normal behaviour according to you.

RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's your opinion, but you also think that "boasting about the breasts of a new born girl" is what all people do.

RightOfSask -5 points ago +1 / -6

You should have told them that all of them are vaccinated, since it's a requirement to attend McMaster. That would have stopped their fear mongering.

RightOfSask -6 points ago +1 / -7

It's not irrelevant. If 80% of the population in Ontario are vaccinated and if the vaccine doesn't prevent infections (which is your claim), then 80% of new cases should be vaccinated. But what we see is that the 20% which are unvaccinated are causing 65 to 70% of the new cases.

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