Scrodimite 26 points ago +26 / -0

"I may be experiencing symptoms that are worse than the actual virus, but at least I've got the approval of everyone else blindly going with the flow and not asking questions!"

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0

I went two hours down the highway to the next town over to buy a game off some kid on facebook. Absolute beauty day for a motorcycle ride. Anyways this kids dad, a complete stranger to me was out in the front yard pruning some fruit trees. I shot the shit with him for an hour about all kinds of stuff and he never said jack shit about masks or distancing, and we stood a few feet away from each other. In fact he told me he thought the whole pandemic was probably bullshit and it was only really an inconvenience to his camping plans.

If you talk to people online on places like Reddit they think the sky is falling and the only way to stop doomsday is to bend over and do whatever authority figures tell us to on the TV.....but in reality most people you talk to on the street are quite fed up with the blatant lies and absurdity of it all. At best you get an on the fence "Gee I don't know" response about it all.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +6 / -1

At the rate things are going I'd say it's safer to invest in brass and lead.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

The irony is that he's a billionaire banker claiming the useless that do nothing for society must perish.

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cream puffs that constantly seek comfort and are unable to tolerate anything else.

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hey they did pretty OK for stone age tech. I'll give credit when its due. But yeah, the old world was light years ahead of them...in my opinion the old world was far, far behind in terms of religion. At least the natives killed, slaved because they wanted to not because "god" told them to etc. Sacrifices on the other hand...

Scrodimite 6 points ago +6 / -0

Malaria has been killing 1-3 million people per year SINCE THERE HAVE BEEN YEARS and nobody blinks an eye. Covid knocks off a few of the old/fat/weak and everyone loses their minds.

Scrodimite 8 points ago +8 / -0

Nobody is saying you need to show your yellow fever vaccination card (which is just a piece of paper with some doctor scribbling) to go to the movies/sports event/pub etc.....which is what they are suggesting for the Covid vaccination passport.

Yellow fever has a mortality rate of 20-50% as well.

Then you get these fucking tools that spout off about how "LOTS OF COUNTRIES REQUIRE IT".....yeah sure....and they are all third world tropical shit hole countries with terrible medical infrastructures, and a climate that harbors all manner of disease and parasites.

The comparison just doesn't work and actually shows what a joke it all is.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

When this shit first started they put tape up on the jungle gyms I used to workout. I just kept tearing it down. Fuck 'em, they flip flopped on it and opened it all back up in a month or two anyways.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

A few more years and CBC will have people singing "Kill the Boer".

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Years ago I had a really high fever and raspy breathing. My mom took me to a walk in clinic and I swear the doctor was hungover. He looked me over and basically told me I was a whiner until my mom (who was a nurse) made him listen to my breathing with a stethoscope. The diagnosis went from "stop whining" to "you have pneumonia pretty bad and there is fluid in your lungs" real quick.

Another one is the time a buddy of mine dove into a swimming hole, hit his head and came up to the surface doing the funky chicken with a gaping wound on his head. We got him out and he was telling us his neck was killing him. The bastard was tough and walked a half kilometer up the river back to the car and we took him to the hospital very carefully. He gets X-rays and they put something like 15 staples in his noggin to close the wound....before saying "yep, X-rays show your A-OK buddy!"

Yeah we said fuck that and demanded a second opinion. Another doctor comes in, looks at the X-rays and says my buddy should be dead as his top vertebrae is smashed into three separate pieces. I saw the X-rays after and there is no goddamn way ANYONE could mistake that.

I broke my ankle once and had a doctor put a cast on. I said it was too tight. The doctor told me I was wrong and sent me off. Two months later the X-rays showed the bone hadn't healed as much as it should have....because the cast was too tight. An Afrikaner doctor comes in and looks at my cast and shakes his head in disgust and demands to know whose work it was, haha. The guy redid it properly in half the time.

Our health care system is joke and most of these doctors are getting their degrees from Cracker Jack boxes or something.

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not white, I'm a PWOC or a Person Without Colour. Now gimme free stuff you racist pig.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a wikipedia article about him, they scrubbed any mention of him being born a man.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can download it for free if you search for it.

Most of the book is feel good fluff telling us we need to change the way we do everything but with no real plan of action. It also advocates for a "central world government", encouraging citizens to trade freedoms for "security" in the form of surveillance and health monitoring, and other stuff like transhumanism.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

My dad is one of those people. It's frustrating trying to show him how hypocritical he is about it. My mom used to be a nurse and said the flu vaccines were mandatory at her hospital and now in the covid era the flu vaccines are not. My dad rambles on about how things have changed and how people have "all these rights now" and mutters something about how when he was a kid it was rare to see women drive.

So I ask him "Since you disagree with me and think Covid is as dangerous as they say will you take the covid vaccine?"....of course I get a mental gymnastic explanation of why he wouldn't. I tell him he has too many rights and should be forced. His generation is insufferable, he (and many like him) think people should have to play ball and follow the rules (and be forced to do so) but have no intention of doing the same because they think they are above it all.

Scrodimite 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty sure Kenney said he received a copy of Klaus's book along with all other politicians here.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just argued with my dad about it for a few hours. He believes that the flu is completely gone because "people are following the rules and social distancing, washing hands etc" but when asked why Covid is spreading then he says "because people aren't following the rules and social distancing".

He is mid 60's and not in the best shape so I asked him why he hasn't been vaccinated then, this being such a serious disease and all. Well he sure had some long drawn out bullshit way of explaining why he didn't need one. I think these people deep down know its mostly all bullshit but have become so indoctrinated and brainwashed over the past year that their mind is ripping itself apart when forced to examine the paradox, so they just double down and keep denying as it provides a sort of mental safety for them. I think they fear having to examine what could be the actual truth behind all this.....what the motive behind it all is, why everything has been shut down over such a relatively weak virus. It's easier to just sit back and watch TV and blame it on "young people spreading it because they can't stay home" than ask questions.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

When my cellphone dies eventually I am digging out the roatary phone and using that. More and more I can see that the cellphones are just part of the big mouse trap.

Scrodimite 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's all deflection to avoid saying they don't know the answer or they are wrong. Easier to just act like your superior because a person made an extremely minor spelling/grammar mistake.

Scrodimite 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Reddit experience:

So here is all my evidence and sources, what is your counter argument?

"It's YOU"RE!".

Fucking useless bastards.

Scrodimite 2 points ago +2 / -0

How can people not see through the bullshit. We have done NOTHING extra to combat the flu and there are zero cases? Has there ever been a year with zero cases, NOPE.

So your telling me that decades of research and billions of dollars into flu vaccines didn't eradicate it but social distancing and masks did? So why isn't it working for Covid?

Scrodimite 4 points ago +4 / -0

Meh, at least the meat is refrigerated here in the first world. Let them touch the fruit and vegetables, my immune system needs practice killing shit.

Scrodimite 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember how the whole world had multiculturalism throughout human history and everyone fought and killed each other over cultural/territorial differences? Yeah, lets put that all in one country and tell people that it will be awesome.

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