Parvo called it and it cost him his account.
There is an OGFT joke here but it isn't this one. The joke is that they spent 3 weeks spamming invites to every PPC forum they could find so the PPC supporters would overwhelm this place. I told the mods but they didn't care.
They also run a ton of troll accounts in here. Some of the big ones seem to have been banned recently but there are lots of others.
RealParvo was ahead of his time. RIP.
That is a lie that anyone can confirm in 5 seconds of research.
MFW when Hammy banned Harv-o (even banned the word) because he called "Erin O'Toole a liberal" so he created a discord server and invited everyone to join so he could encourage them to fuck with this forum. LOL
TexasNorth for PM.
I told you that this place was run by outsiders. Don't act surprised.
Except for Harv-o and Mulbear and PPC supporters and anyone they associate with.
I was wondering what took you so long Parvo. You are losing your edge. I admit that in hindsight this is a very bad look so enjoy your tiny meaningless victory.
OK H A R V O. You have us all super fooled.
Edit: +36 upvotes? WTF boys this is an obvious troll post. How do you idiots fall for this?
You'd know hey Gunner? ;)
This post is be bridged by the anti-omegacanada Discord server right now. I am watching it in real time. Just a handful of them online right now. They are downvoting comments they agree with and upvoting comments they think are stupid to "make us look crazy."
Until there isn't.
Awesome. So that means a user base of 4 nerds.
All 3km of it?
Well at least he built a wall.
I get ya and yes I agree. The Conservative Party is unrecognizable from the Liberal Party.
Do you think this will help the conservative brand or am I missing your sarcasm? At this point we had might as well anoint Trudeau King of Canada because he'll be in power as long as he wants to be.
You must be a troll. Nobody is this dumb, at least not unironically.
Ummm.....stop blaming others for my problems?