This looks like something we in the biz call “typical tricks schlomo” aka “hey Goldstein go rape some kids in Thailand and stay out of my town you big nose sloped forhead child rapist”
Haw haw can’t control your mutiny
Those guys with the small hats with the affinity for raping children.
Been waiting 5 years for people to revolt on your anti white mod cucks
They know what’s going on. Jews gave them a bunch of money and weapons and instead of hitting the Russians they went to Germany to bomb some Jews and Muslims but were stopped midway. The politics there is a lot more complicated than Canada with just one group of Jews trying to destroy our country
Gross. Does it make you sad they don’t look like you? Or are you the shit skin?
Race mixing — not even once
We is da minority and shiet now and my professor goldbergstein sez dat we can’t be rayciss
Is the judge a Jew?
They are really not our neighbors they are foreigners here to take our stuff
There was a book recently released that said all Canadian Indians are psychopaths when judged by European standards
Most of these people don’t realize they are being ethnically cleansed
Sure champ.