I want a list of everything this piece of shit has said and done to share with the retards I know who voted for him. I only want things that are proven so they can't say "oh, that's just a conspiracy" and let's be honest, this list will be long enough with only the facts. Also add anything that you might not think is bad but the left would think is bad. I'll get the ball rolling.

-"The country I admire most is China" quote.

-Pressuring J.W.R. to not investigate SNC Lavalin and then firing her when she did.

-Taking bribes from Aga Khan

-Wearing blackface so many times he says he can't recall them all but at least 3 that have been proven.

-WE "charity" scandal

-Physically accosting 2 opposition MPs in the House of Commons

-Mocking water rights activist at Liberal Party fundraiser as he purports to care about the indigenous

-Fleeing the HOC with almost all his MPs when the vote on Uigher genocide was held

I'm getting to pissed off writing this, so please carry on for me by adding to this list.


No wonder Indians are coming in droves when these people are telling them we have a median salary of $160k CAD. Wtf.



I know most people here don't seem to be into sports. However, until all the woke nonsense took over, I enjoyed grabbing a beer and turning on an NHL or MLB game. As soon as they went woke, my TV went off.

More than seeing their ratings decline, I'd like to support and maybe get into watching a sports league that isn't into this woke idiocy. The double whammy of MLB or NHL ratings dropping and an anti-woke league's ratings going up would be fantastic.

So wondering if anyone knows if there are any sports that aren't woke idiots?


Well if you ask the media, whites are grabbing their rifles and shotguns and heading out for open season on minorites. If you look at the stats (see link below for FBI race/ethnicity data of offenders and victims), then you see that a black person is 120% more likely to murder a white person than a white person is to murder them, a native or asian (the stats group them together) person is 13% more likely to murder a white person than a white person is to murder them, a hispanic person is 4% more likely to murder a white person than a white person is to murder them and in instances where the race of the offender or victim was not known, it is 83% more likely that the white person is the victim as opposed to the offender. But yup, the news is right and whitey is out there looking to fill his lust for the blood of a minority.


I was at a pro-life rally one time and it was a hot day so after a bunch of us went out for ice cream. So we head to the closest Baskin Robbins and as we're waiting to order, this lady ordered a tasty cone of rocky road and I fucking lost it. "Listen, bitch. You can have vanilla and vanilla only. You will not be choosing to enjoy any of the other 30 delectable flavours this establishment has to offer. So take your vanilla cone and get the fuck outta here. And no waffle cones god dammit!" Because pro-life isn't about life, it's about controlling women and controlling their choices; therefore, I just couldn't stand idly by and watch her choose what flavour of ice cream she wanted. I'm sure this is a scene that plays out daily across the country as we try to control women's right to choose. Because that's that this is truly all about. Just admit it.


I keep seeing a bunch of comments that are made by either a) enemy infiltrators b) retards doing their work for them.

I hope everyone who isn't one of the above realizes what is going on here. Posts and comments such as "Canada is already doomed", "we've already lost", "_____ will win", "why even bother fighting back?" are contrived comments designed to destroy the moral of the people who would fight and die for Canada, including myself.

This tactic has existed for a long time and attempts to convince the other side that 1) it's not that you won't defeat us, it's that you can't win. It's not improbable for you to win, it's impossible for you to win. 2) give up now and well only shove our cocks down your throat a little. Make us wait and we'll rape you in the ass til you bleed and die. 3) deep down, you know that we should and will win. You know we're better than you. In your heart of hearts, you actually want us to win.

New technology is always employed to more efficiently and effectively distribute enemy propoganda. In WWI and WWII, airplanes were used to drop propaganda pamphlets into enemy countries. Today, they use the internet to send their propaganda right into your home.

Maybe the most shit for brain comment I've seen many times with slight variations is "get your exit strategy ready". And to where will you go, you fucktard? Let's assume for a second there is some perfect utopia to flee to. There isn't, but let's pretend there is for a moment. What do you think is going to happen once you show how much of a pussy ass coward you all are and abandon your country instead of staying and fighting for it? Spoiler alert, they'll conquer all the abandoned places and then come for your supposed utopia land. Brilliant plan. Instead of standing and fighting together, let's all scurry away and hope we find a hole they'll leave us alone in. The stupidity of this idea is rivaled only by the pussyness of it.

These infiltrators and/or retards are also obviously trying to run a smear campain by acting like genuine OC users and posting ridiculous shit to undermine the credibilty of the forum and all the forum users by association. A recent post referring to anyone non-white as "shit skins" and then using stats that are nowhere near accurate is one such obvious attempt to associate these fucktards who just spew "sHiT sKiNs GeT a BaJiLliOn DoLlArS a YeAr In FrEe MoNiEs" with people, such as myself, who have valid and fact based reasons to say it is complete racist bullshit to have mass immigration of 1.2 million people and then offer them special perks, such as 40% additional funding to companies who hire immigrant co-op students over white Canadian students.

Their goal is to say such stupid bullshit so often that being a poster here who raises valid issues that happen to involve race will be viewed as tantamount to trying to genocide all non-whites.

And then people will wonder why general people who don't want to be associated with actual racists will refrain from criticizing Trudeau's dumb fuck immigration plan for fear of being conflated with these retards who can't spell or do simple math.

So no, I will not "get an exit plan ready" and no I don't accept that the Canada I love is done for. No, I'm not a racist and no, I won't stop making points about issues involving race because certain retards here spew braindead racist nonsense with easily falsifiable "stats". Yes, I will keep posting properly reasoned, fact based, well logiced and researched (actual research, not a 15 second google search) arguments against horseshit identity politics driven campaigns against Canada and Canadians.

And I hope if anyone hears you in person speaking about abandoning Canada instead of fighting for it, that they beat your traitor head off a wall.



How can any of you think white male supremacy isn't real after seeing this? If you're a white male, the government of Canada will pay employers 40% more to companies for hiring a white male co-op/intern than they will for literally anybody else regardless of... sorry, what's that? I read the website wrong? Ooooooh it's the other way around? They will pay companies 40% more for hiring co-ops/interns as long as they aren't white men? That can't be right. I know this country is racist and sexist to its core. I never stop hearing that so it must be true. Isn't that how this all works?


Here's the playbook for a guaranteed quick cash payout ordered by the Human Rights Tribunal against your woke company:

  1. Go into work and announce you are now a woman and would like to be referred to as she/her.
  2. Change absolutely nothing else.
  3. Wait for the following conversation with management and HR. If they're slow with this step, a quick shit in the woman's washroom will force the issue.

HR: we think you are making a mockery of transgenderism and demand that you stop.

You: what makes you say that? I am 100% serious. I am a woman.

HR: you still dress the exact same way you did before you announced your transition.

You: are you saying you get to dictate to women how they dress and if they don't follow your beliefs, then they're not a real woman?

HR: no no no. Of course not. We would never say that. But ok, you still look the exact same. You're a 6'1 200 lb man. You clearly haven't even started hormone therapy.

You: I'm sorry, are you telling me it is your prerogative to dictate how and when trans women proceed with their transition? Are you telling me trans women aren't real women until they follow your prescribed process?

HR: no no no. We would never. Ok, so then what is your plan for transitioning?

You: not that it's any of your damn business, but I'm already done transitioning.

HR: SEE! SEE! We knew you weren't a real trans person. You can't go from a man to woman and remain a 6'1 person with 200 lbs of muscle. You're not even trying to look like a woman.

You: EXCUSE ME! First of all, I didn't go from "a man to a woman". I've always been 100% a real woman. Second, I just happen to love my muscular feminine body. Are you telling me Serena Williams isn't a "real woman" because she is much more muscular than most woman? Are you? Is that what you're saying?

HR: no no not at all. We'd never say that. But you're still married to your wife.

You: so now lesbians arent real women according to you? Ellen Degeneres isn't a real woman because she's a lesbian? That's both trans and homophobic.

HR: no no no, again that's not what we're saying. Of course lesbians are real women. But explain this. As recent as last week, we have received multiple complaints about you mocking the trans community. So you're obviously not really trans.

You: that was the outward manifestation of my internalized transphobia due to self hatred resulting from trauma cause by an overwhelming presence of transphobia in society. Kind of like the transphobia you've all displayed against me with this line of questioning. This is exactly why I've been afraid of announcing my trans status and why I've been forced to live a lie. I knew I'd face bigots like you who just can't accept that a 6'1 200lb married lesbian with a penis who likes masculine clothes, beer and sports and who is struggling with traumatic internalized transphobia is still A REAL WOMAN. This workplace is so incredibly toxic.

Cue lawsuit


What scene from what movie do you think was fantastic. Whether it be for the set design, acting, lighting, filming technique, etc. I'll start.

This scene from The Untouchables (https://youtu.be/PlUg8oqyU8M) I think is fantastic. The acting is great. You can see the marked shift in Costner's character, Eliot Ness, from one of arrogance fed by his belief in the "Untouchables" name the media dubbed them with, to one of more concern and caution now that he realizes they are, in fact, not untouchable.


All of this shit going on right now is happening because the people at the top have complete impunity. The media is in their pocket, they control the judicial systems, they've brainwashed most the population. And so, they are untouchable.

Implement non-science based lockdowns - untouchable. Funnel taxpayer money to large corporations via stimulus payments - untouchable. Destroy small business with repeated cycles of non-science based lockdowns - untouchable. Import mass amount of immigrants and give them specific benefits to guarantee they will vote for you which solidifies your place in permanent power - untouchable.

Every terrible thing they do, they remain untouchable. They remain emboldened by this unrelenting and unchallenged status. They can and they will do whatever they want. Despite being few of them and millions of us, they are The Untouchables. They'd probably start to tread a whole lot lighter if they felt touchable.

That way I can eat a whole bunch of spicy and cheesy gut rotting fast food, take an ungodly massive shit, not even bother to look at the toilet paper and then head on over for my swab. Might need a few backup swabs because I think the first couple dozen will be... Uhhh... Contaminated.


I never realized that until now. I don't know why anyone has any problems with them since how can they be bad at all with those names?

Hold up... PLA stands for people's liberation army? Well why the fuck aren't we inviting them to occupy our country? Are you retards against liberating people?


Serious question out of curiosity, why are you here? I'm hoping for more specific and detailed answers beyond "reddit is gay" or something to that effect.

For myself, it's almost entirely for two reasons.

  1. exposure to information censored in most, if not all, other mainstream media sources. There are so many stories I would be completely unaware of had it not been for Metacanada previously and now OmegaCanada.
  2. Share some of my own thoughts on different stories and see what people agree with and disagree with in order to find evidence that confirms or contradicts my positions so that I may refine my positions.

We're losing the fight because our sense of righteousness is preventing us from doing what it takes to win.

Cancel culture is bullshit. But it's effective bullshit and it's bullshit that we didn't start. I think punching someone that you disagree with in the face is a bullshit move. That is up until they take a swing at my face. Then, I'm 100% good with planting a right cross on your jaw. I would always opt to sit and discuss differences and conflicting opinions, but once you get up and decide to attack me instead of talk, all bets are off and I'm happy to throw hands.

Cancel culture is no different. It's not something I want to engage in or think is ideal. However, trying to battle cancel culture with logic and reason is about as effective as trying to defend yourself from an attacker with words.

Seeing this piece of shit in the following post so brazenly attempt to use easily falsifiable math to push a political agenda with impunity is my final straw. I say we start with canceling this dumbass who is receiving approximately $120,000 a year in compensation to gaslight children into not even being able to believe in simple facts, such as 2+2=4, in an attempt to distort their basic sense of reality.

I believe in non-violence and free speech. Again, that is until you attack first and try to silence me first.


Sidenote: can we Ontarians get a little respect up in here? We had to overcome dumb fuck teachers, such as the one in the link, all while living in echo chambers in order to be red-pilled.


Just searched "chinese troops in Canada" on YouTube and didn't even get a single result for the current story. Fuck. YouTube.

It's quite simple.

Auschwitz was a horrible place for Jews. The Nazis were responsible for bringing the Jews to Auschwitz. Any decent person did what they could to keep Jews from winding up in Auschwitz and tried to get the Jews in Auschwitz out.

Canada is a racist horrible place for minorites. _____ are bringing minority immigrants to Canada. Any decent person should do what they can to keep minorites out of Canada and try to get minorites out of Canada.

If you accept that Canada is this awful racist hellscape, then doing anything other than preventing minorites from coming here and getting the ones here currently out means you're the same as the Nazis.

Unless, you know, Canada isn't a racist hellscape?

Also, and my history may be fuzzy, but I don't recall the Jews fighting to be able to go to Auschwitz. Almost seems like all the minorites fighting to come to Canada would intrinsically mean it can't be awful for them here.


Hey all,

So there are some users in here clearly just trolling us and spouting off absolute bullshit in order to piss us off. Can we not just identify these users and ban them to keep them from posting here?

Oh wait, nevermind. We're not a bunch of little pussies who's feelings get hurt by words someone writes that we don't like.