Who’s that? Sounds like some kind of duplicitous pussy to me.
Men in trades are usually pretty based, that’s where almost all my friends work.
lol "gay" and "abstinent" the whole queer lifestyle is largely based on sexual perversion and impulsivity, what obsessed gay is going to abstain from copious amounts of but sex to donate blood?
First of all, what is the big fucking deal? You can't give blood, so who gives a fuck, how many of us even do that? You're imagining discrimination where it doesn't exist. Considering the average number of dicks the average queers has had jammed up his ass, and the extraordinarily high number of them with the HIV, they should absolutely be banned from donating blood. O'Toole is moron, yes conservatives were just waiting for the one brave politician to stand up for gay blood donations.
Twitter is a cesspool man, there are no normal people on there, its a space for gullible, low IQ halfwits.
How utterly reprehensible is this? The state has used bogus COVID measures to demonstrate to the filthy commoners that they can bust into your fucking house any time they want for no reason at all and nobody will do a damn thing about it. I can tell you one thing, nobody is breaking into my house and walking back out of it.
Lmao you want red pilled zoomers? Because that's what they're going to get. One 19 year old young woman owes $6000 in fines for being outside, if that sounds absolutely absurd and outrageous to you, imagine what that looks like to unemployed teenagers who have a natural urge and a need to socialize and have their freedom. Not only are they denied employment opportunities, not only are they paying tens of thousands of dollars funded by student loan debt to attend university on a screen, if they go outdoors to socialize they're harassed by cops, fined, and arrested, and they haven't even committed a crime. ALL of our social institutions now have betrayed our youth, and our youth have far less to lose than the rest of us.
lol never following those restrictions and never will. While dumbasses through the province were socially distancing me and basically all of my friends had our families over, our friends over, dinners, drinks, games nights. We were not even particularly discreet. I am fortunate to live in a more conservative area where nobody gives a fuck and all my neighbors have their families over, don't ask don't tell, and the police have stayed off our backs. If I had a cop at my door I am not opening it anyway, and if I did, then what "oh yeah office my extended family and friends moved in earlier today, you know, times are tough with COVID" how are they questioning that.
It will be NDP for certain next go around, the mask enforcement by public busybodies in Edmonton vs. the surrounding rural areas insane. The left is insane.
Unbelievable that this was on another countries' news. Makes you wonder how other countries look at our western media. We are in a bubble, and our worldview is shaped by the news/propaganda we are shown.
This certainly would confirm that the globalists got their shill in office with Biden, and that they thought Trump was sufficiently threatening to them to cheat him out of office. The frustrating thing is not knowing or being able to confirm any of this, but the optimist in me hopes that it is all true and that the nationalists win.
I just want the truth more than anything else, I want it to come crashing through, I want everything revealed, and I want the evildoers to pay for what they've done.
That sounds likely, and if that happens it will be difficult to see what dominant cultures replace white European westerners. In the EU it is obviously muslims, but Canada might be something else. My bet is the Chinese, they've already compromised our Westernmost province, its capital city, and our western ports.
This would be a long drawn out amble toward western annihilation though, and a lot could change along the way. I think perhaps the ruling elite probably look at Canada as inconsequential, just a landmass with valuable resources to be manipulated when expedient. Trudeau lends his dumb ass well toward that goal.
I think China becomes a world superpower, Russia continues to hold off the world at its borders, and the US descends further into the oligarchy that it has become. Canada is basically collateral in this scenario; if the US is no longer a unified nation then whatever benefit we have of being on its border is nil.
I am sure the negative news coverage won't get our globalist shill politicians feeling embarrassed and begin announcing harsher restrictions on us all this summer.
What a pussy, you already did it for 30 odd years tell everyone to go fuck themselves and retire.
Yeah I know what you mean, good luck trying to explain this to anyone who got a full dose of the dIvErSITy IS OuR STreNGth nonsense, their heads are fact resistant. We are in a new era now, and in my opinion we are nowhere near revolution, definitive global conflict, or even collapse. Eras can be decades long, and we might just be at the beginning of the end.
I spend a lot of time wondering where it goes from here, and I wonder what our equivalent to the Weimar period in Germany would look like. Certainly, many of the conditions are in place already, or at least are falling into place.
Foreign banking and corporate exploitation of our economy, the resulting inflation of our currency, the socially enforced humiliation of the native (white, European) population of our country, the morally degenerate state of our culture, transexual experimentation, indulgent sexuality, normalization of sex work, rampant drug use, irreligious religions, debased "art", intellectual charlatanism, and so on.
Our culture and history might be so different from that of Germany's that this may never happen, but I lean toward thinking that the pendulum swings. As conditions worsen economically and socially, so too will they eventually worsen politically, and an authoritarian ideology will emerge, and so will a leader who will take advantage of it.
I am not even sure this would get people to pay attention, I think people are conditioned to accept the absurd. Nothing changes until people are hungry, that's when it gets real, and even then, they're more likely to turn on one another than on the governing system.
A sense of community, a common narrative, and a common struggle is what is missing from society, and it is something I have realized in different ways over the years as well. My father grew up in isolated rural Canada in the 50s and did not have it easy.
The stories he told me conveyed a sense of real purpose in his community, as it turns out when you need to rely on one another to not die of hunger or exposure, you tend to value other people. The Dicken's quote "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" I think expresses it well.
Our politicians are grifters, and they do have ill intent. They don't work for us, they work for their own gain by selling out our social institutions. They import the third world both as a voting base, and as a means to wedge apart Canadian communities that bind us together with a shared cultural and social history.
This makes us weak as a nation. We are unable to identify with one another, and we are vulnerable to divisive politics. That's how they carve out the vote, and it is how they drive up housing prices (increased demand) in our inflated economy and drive down wages (abundance of cheap labor), both which satisfy the corporatists that they are in league with.
What is likely to happen is gradual degradation and cultural decadence. That could go on for decades and decades, and it wouldn't take very long for the average fed up Canadian to look around and think, even if I had the will to fight, there is nothing here left to fight for. The state of devolution we're in now is only early, who knows how long this drags out from here. Alternatively, the unthinkable happens, and we are currently in our Weimar Republic days.
I don't know what is going to happen, but I've made one too many concessions to these bastards in the last two years, starting by walking on lines at work to wearing a mask into every store I walk into, I'll be damned if I get a vaccine, because that is the hill I'll die on.
I am not having some profit obsessed inhumane mega corporation shoot experimental chemicals into my body because some pathetic halfwit of a politician wants to win the empathy vote, that crosses too many lines. I am not a fucking lab rat, and I am not fodder for political opportunism.
The adults are everywhere of course, always have been, but they're a minority. I am only young, but I wondered my whole life how morons, pricks, and and kiss-asses got into positions of influence, and how competent critical thinkers could not get near any sort of position of power.
Its because the former 3 groups are willing to be morons, pricks, and kiss-asses and that wins them favor with the other morons, pricks, and kiss-asses because they're playing the same games. Those of us with integrity make some concessions to stay or get employed, but our sense of decency, morality, and unwillingness to debase ourselves prevents us from getting into influential positions.
What we end up with are grifters, charlatans, and petty tyrants all playing the same games, and it is in each of their interest to prevent the smart, the sensible, and the competent from competing with them.
Boomer tier meme
Where's the youtube link for this so I can do my duty to downvote it.
That’s the most frustrating thing to me, is that I see hard times coming and I’m young and just trying to get a family started and financial security in a bullshit world, but dumbasses all around me can’t see that they’re voting for our own economic and social demise, all they see is some diversity and inclusion bullshit and that triggers the Pavlov response in their stupid brains to parrot the ideology and collect their fake virtue points.
What a complete faggot, one wonders if it was his purpose to guide the Conservative party straight into the ground by being such a complete dork. Trudeau is a moron who quite possibly believes in what he is doing, but the Toole is a huge fag for trying to appeal to the same idiot voters by mimicking a moron.
The bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.
I found a good bunch then hahaha. Lot of them do seem to have psycho wives who drive their Ford Raptors around while they're up in camp.