Fuck this country. #SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes
You probably had it without symptoms. It doesn't do anything, it's fake af.
Holy fucking hell.
#SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes #WarAgainsttheGovnmt
Fucking racist pieces of garbage. Start the race war. I dare you.
Fucking disgusting. We need a war against the govnmt. We keep taking it and taking it. #SeparatefromCanada #StoppayingTaxes
The Libtard version of racism or the actual? Stating facts that differentiate races is considered racism. I have said this before. We need 2 different words for the accusation in hatred and for the facts.
#SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes
Fucking pathetic bitch this guy is. #SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes
100% its to keep pushing the fear. Gotta push it somewhere.
FUCK this COUNTRY #SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes
#SeparatefromCanada #StopPayingTaxes <------ We need a lawyer to help us do this.
Havnt watched Joe in a long time..... Ill give it a try but he's mostly unbearable.
all the govnmt does is cause division, hatred and problems.
Fuck youtube. Let them regulate it. No one should be going there anyway. Let them eat themselves. Fuck all leftard things.
lol even with their fake inflated numbers it isn't scary. The PCR test can be amplified as many times as they want to try to find whatever they are looking for. The inventor of the PCR test said himself it shouldn't be used because of that exact problem with it. http://laboratorytests.org/covid-19-rt-pcr/. Manitoba "positivity" rate is 7% of 644136 "tested" people. hahahahhaha SEVEN FAKE % OF 644136 FAKE TESTS. They cant even make their fake numbers scary and you all still believe it. "967" TOTAL Deaths from a fake "37598" Total cases. How many of those fake deaths are SOLELY from Covid? ZERO % all REAL Deaths are with older people with SERIOUS COMORBIDITIES. Do you know what that means? They are 80 years old with Cancer, diabeties, heart disease etc. THESE ARE THEIR NUMBERS AND THEIR FACTS NOT MINE. https://www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/
How are you even married to a thing like that?
diss old af isnt it?
Canada is a shit hole. We need to group together and separate from the govnmt. Produce all our own resources, trade and work together. #SeparateFromCanada
lol Pathetic Libtard mod games. Are you guys ok?