flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

In Brampton? Or another woke town of wokeness that is woke as fuck

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lemme guess, they didn't adhere to wokeness, so anyone trying to fund or support them was threatened with tolerance of being personally and professionally ruined?

What happened to diversity? Different platforms, different ideas?

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a bad ROI. But certainly not $11 Million of wuflu funds good.

And how did they manage to open so many bank accounts that quickly and not have anyone immediately notice? Gee, I wonder.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

No way man, I love the ocean, I'm not running away because wokeness invaded.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

And built by the best engineers based on merit alone.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

but I'm from there! born and raised, not a commie, just surrounded by them. I've watched my beloved town go to shit and I do believe I'm the last sane man here.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crush? We could simply sell oil at below market value. Know why? Because Canada unlike the middle east has other resources.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

OH NO! NOT LAWS!! Written by ottawa and enforced by... who again?

Isn't separation historically against "the law"? I had this argument with an r/canada tard ages ago, and he kept on saying "but it's against the law!"

Uh huh, well, cool.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don't you dare leave BC out of this you smelly pirate hooker!

We, and by we I mean those of us here who remember when a dad working a regular office job was able to afford a home in a nice part of town and not have the family eating poptarts for dinner. shit i didn't finish that sentence did I?

well, anyways, WE.... want to slow shit down a little. We also have massive amounts of natural resources that the world needs, and WE don't want to have to ask ottawa for permission to sell while also kicking back a large amount to them because reasons.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the fact it's all sideways which is just fucked. Guess it's a visual representation of this country.

Thanks quebec, thanks ontario. You fucking idiots did this.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

In case you were wondering:

Workmanship is sexist and wrong as it has the word "man" in it. WorkPersonship is also sexist as it has the word "son" in it, which is far too phallic and triggering for today's liberal on the go.

Ergo and for sooth, perDAUGHTER shall be used. Much more better-er.

But I used Xer just to be safe

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

lemme guess, they'll find nothing, officially praise chinas response, and go back home.

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

also replying again because edits don't work around here.

where would they go? what would they sell?

lets see:

  • planes that suck and are overpriced
  • streetcars that suck and are also overpriced
  • Le Bonhomme action figures
  • shitty maple syrup (cornSyrup4Life)
  • maybe the 22nd Regiment could become a mercenary outfit, shitting in enemy water sources around the world

That's about it. They have no real resources, skills, or technical know-how.

I say let'em separate. See what happens!

flanders 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'd hoped to read a "I said fuck the rules and visited my dying relative" story.

I was mistaken.

Let me be clear. If my mom or dad is in the hospital on their deathbed, there's three options: you let me see them, you try to stop me from seeing them, you all dogpile on me so I physically cannot move. That's it.

I'm not tough, mean, bad, or trained. I'm endowed with certain rights, and those transcend what justine and company have decided has to happen.

funny how the people in support of or in charge of creating the lockdowns are never affected by them.

Yet the Narrative is now to blame non-mask wearers for everything. So it's an easily targeted group that the proles can vent all their pent up aggression on. How long till someone is beaten on the street for not wearing a mask?

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the MegaKaren haircut on the loon with the need for internet points, wokesignalling, and IG likes. hashtag fuckingidiots

flanders 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'd rather separate the country, ontario quebec and the maritimes can go off on their own. See how long they last without western money.

Let the west sell their resources on the global market, we'd make billions hand over fist without needing to kick back a portion to ottawa.

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wait, so an old person dying cant be seen by their family because the care home is worried the old person will die?

flanders 9 points ago +9 / -0

This vaccine is ingenious!

It paralyzes or otherwise incapacitates you, makes you just as susceptible to the Wuhan as before which means you need regular shots, therefore making it necessary for you to be on disability for life!

The government pays you to be disabled, the government gets paid by big pharma to give you more shots, you get more disabled ergo for sooth more government money squid pro roe more shots from big pharma ad nauseum!

Ipso motherfucking facto bitches!!!

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

I just find it funny those kinds of posts get Orz'd when downvotes normally hide unpopular opinions by default.

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

The LPC has a minority government, yet nobody is calling them out on this.

The MSM won't report on this at all, they'll still blame PM Harper.

The regular folks don't care, and anyone who does care can't do anything about this.

We're fucked.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd love for some of those mods to come here and explain why they can't admit they're paid by the LPC to maintain the narrative.

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

had to repost because the damn edit function dont work.

a) mod locks posts because of racism, which you can't judge for yourself because comments deleted. probably just people saying it's not racism. maybe painting a thunderbird on your goalie mask is a show of respect? Nope, has to be an ulterior motive!

b) will anything named after a thunderbird now have to be renamed?

flanders 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lemme guess, it's super virulent, will require a NEW vaccine, masks as well, and a series of lockdowns to flatten the curve... but just for a few weeks in 2021.

Fucking hell, can we get on with the NWO/Great Reset already so I can put on my Mad Max costume?

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

So this says that over 90 Billion people have died this month alone, with a projected death toll of 5.3 Trillion by the end of January?

Then yes, lock everything down. Close the roads, turn off the power, board everyone indoors, and don't leave the house ever again!!!

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