Wow.... the Hague is going to be a very busy place.....very soon it appears
Israel for last..... is starting to become clearer
The goal posts left the stadium, months ago.....
I fucking hate all of them..... These are our "leaders"?.....
Woohoo..... cant wait for the next 5-0 kegger.....
Woohoo..... Canuckastan is about to get a bagillion new doses to mix together, and make 'Canadian super duper vaccine awesomeness', watchout world Trudy gots this....
It's a riddle wrapped in a enigma, wrapped in a paradox....
Good thing we didnt start building that EVIL pipeline across Canakastan..... cant wait for the st.lawrence to backed up like Qew at rush hour....
Is there anything that doesnt cause CLIMATE CHANGE
Thc isnt used for epilepsy.... so article is bs or mother is a fucking moron..... its low dose CBd topical usually to stop a seizure.....
Wow the bearded tru-dope looks a might different from the shaved shithead.....
Hahaha....$$billion CNN had a headline about booster shots.... Try $$trillion
Now why do we need 'SECRET ' court filings?... is the gov doing something they are not supposed to be doing.....
Now.....are they trying to keep the rats on the ship, hence the overarching lockdown orders??♂️ Easy way to keep ? on the only ways in or out...... also keen way of getting the normies to perk up their spidey senses.....
We used to unite under gold medals and Stanley Cups..... but alas all we have in 2021 is Virtue and wokeness.....
But I ask dear Watson.....I thought the vax was key?
Oh I guess the border will protect us from all those super, duper awesome Patriots enjoying a fun day with 70k frens..... Keep the red.pills a coming
So we have been the sandbox for this bs for 30ish yrs.... FML I thought it was only 20-25yrs ago, maybe I was still to drunk chasing tail....?? The stories of our youth, that I wish I could remember......
But what about the CLIMATE⛱
FANTASTIC.... Let's just sit back as tax payers and watch the government figure out who they are going to be racist towards.....
I know what you're thinking to yourself....did he shoot 6 or 5 ...well, telling you during all this excitement, I kinda lost count myself...... I GOTSTA Know!!!
I ABIDE by legitimate laws.....but the rules of law, give RIGHT to legitimizing said laws... just because the Gov makes laws doesnt make them legitimate...... WE (the people, not the majority) give legitimacy to the gov... small g gov..
Well , the menzoid has had a bunch of weird gov bureaucracy bs....
At least with the mob and their money laundering was done in the shadows.... This fuckstick just does it in the open like he's untouchable....
Just wondering..... I dont know, could we go back to the point where our military was filled with killers.... that scared the rest of the world.... I know it was a long time ago, but this 2021 military has really got to go.... maybe we dont have to go out and hug the enemy. Because last time I if you kill your enemy, they DIE.