throwaway152 10 points ago +10 / -0

I love how they go out of their way to tell you all her diversity points. I mean, what did she do as a lawyer? I'm looking it up right now:

U of O grad: suprising. Better than I thought. This is a middle of the pack tier law school. I assumed foreign. Still, very VERY easy to get into law with +3 diversity points. It's really sad because there are always some in law school who belong there, but they get diluted with the larger group that clearly doesn't.

Oh. So she never actually practiced law ever. Wow. that is.... okay... So don't call her a lawyer if she's never practiced... But she seemed to have created her own charity, and that's all she has.... There's also a 16 year gap... her entire career... and it states that she returned to Canada in 2019 to RUN FOR OFFICE?!

Jesus fucking christ.

throwaway152 12 points ago +12 / -0

Lawyer here. The above is the answer that most lawyers give. That's most of it, but also you have lawyers which are notoriously power hungry and narcissistic, which is also strongly correlated with politics.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

100% agree. What else would you expect? If you're you with a lot of potential, why would you come here? If you're half retarded with 9 kids, this is the best place on the planet for you.

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not sure if we can make that statement globally. I think the vietnamese are net contributors now. But most are massive burdens, and Somalia, with an average IQ of 58, is an overwhelming crippling burden on Canada. They also have the largest family sizes in the world, so when you see Somalians driving fancy cars, you can be proud that you helped out.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was a big source of animosity in the LA riots with the korean shop owners. How dare they work hard and not be bums?

throwaway152 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do we know what his size was as a baby? I mean if he was born at 10lbs, we can probably rule it out. 8lbs, unlikely. If he was born at 6lbs, that is STRONG fucking evidence.

throwaway152 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not often misdiagnosed by an actual psychiatrist, but you'll find that 98% of people with borderline will say they have bipolar because enough people have negative associations with borderlines.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

BC Libs = Progressive Conservatives

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

You had me at the first two sentences. Christians did tons of fucked up shit man. Look at the dark ages. I'd say christians and jews were hands down the best of all major world religion.

Buddha isn't a god FYI.

The fact is that many of these things are cultural, not religious. Christians have done countless fucked up acts, just less than mulsims, but anyone looks good compared to them.

You forget about other world religions. Sheiks have only had major conflicts with muslims. Jews, only major conflict was with muslims. Buddhists only major... you get the fucking point.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try not to think of bullion as an "investment". You are purchasing inflation proof money. It isn't supposed to make you "rich", it's supposed to preserve the value of the capital.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol that's hillarious. You paid taxes on money earned in Canada and took that money elsewhere, rather than paying prohibitively high taxes AGAIN in Canada. You fucking racist monster.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get your fucking TAXED money out of Canada. Who in their right mind would reinvest their capital in this country? Get it out now.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP, can you hook me up with a source for this? I want to give this to someone.

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get irritated with the censorship, but then I go to work, see my friends, bang my wife, and I realize that these are things he'll never have. This literally IS his entire life. I mean, maybe if I gave up my career in law I too could one day become a mod, but I just don't think i have the passion.

I wonder if he would kill himself if he lost his mod position? As a taxpayer, I sure hope so.

throwaway152 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's not a "hoax". You have extraordinary evidence that governments are doubling down on their original policies which would be reasonable if the fatalty rate was 10%. Yet the rate is well under .1%, and comparable to the flu. There is extraordinary evidence of this. Many western countries never did any lockdown procedures and have a similar fatality rate, both with the average age in the mid 80's, in countries where the average lifespan is in the late 70s.

The argument is that left wing governments are now using the pandemic as an excuse to implement socialist policies, which there is also extraordinary evidence of. No one is saying it's all a giant conspiracy, they are just taking advantage of the situation using fear. Hence why they ramped up testing and shockingly, in a disease with 40% of the people being asymptomatic, the numbers went up slightly which was enough for them to call a "second wave" and offer more expansive socialist policies.

Open a book retard.

throwaway152 0 points ago +1 / -1

Stop this my imaginary friend is better than yours bullshit. Christians in practice are much better people than muslims, by my standards, yet their ideologies are equally retarded.

throwaway152 1 point ago +1 / -0

I love how the left avoids cognitive dissonance by just not thinking about things. We're almost out of fresh water to grow food, but that's okay. We're growing 84m a year in population, that's fine, because it's muslim countries and they're oppressed. Some individuals consume the equivalent calories of 2-3 people, and that's fine too.

What is bad? starvation is bad. And rich people always have food, therefore the rich are bad.

throwaway152 7 points ago +7 / -0

I made that exact same argument when a feminist talked about female ran tribes. "So how are they doing? What's the GDP of the tribe? Good quality of life compared to western society?"

throwaway152 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hate to say it but it's true.

In the colonial US it was white property owners. I'd be fine if it was just net positive tax contributors. Once your income is above a certain level you're above parity, and you get to vote.

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that's a plausible scenario for the future. US goes into a civil war, a couple million Canadians help out, and ideally form a new country built on the midwest states. We can annex the rest of those pussy's later.

throwaway152 3 points ago +3 / -0

Crazy. Any source for this? I always had a negative view of Maclom X and a positive view of MLK.

throwaway152 5 points ago +5 / -0

Propaganda. Should be China>Iran>Korea>Russia>US, although many would put China more in the middle. I think their strength makes them by far the greatest threat.

throwaway152 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even better solution: Cut immigration to 0, foreign aid to 0, and let the overpopulation sort itself out. Stop sending billions in annual foreign aid to countries that double in population every 15 years.

Aren't Canadians at like 1.5 per couple? We're doing our part already, so fuck off.

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