I wish we can light a fire to all the internet porn as well. It only exists to damage the minds and souls of people.
please be fake
Normally I'd rip on it but thats just so much spiritual sadness and anger. Has nothing to do with health, masks, or political alignment. She needs prayer and fasting.
Side note she is what I imagine Ham_Sandwich88 looks like.
This can't be the Canada that I once knew.
Watching this country's politics over the last few decades is like watching an elderly loved one get dementia and see them everyday but they forgot you are their family. They forget your name, they forget your memories and all they do is swear at you and curse you. The person you used to love and hold and celebrate with is long gone but are still present in the flesh.
He's just a troll bro. Some deep seeded trauma or an edgy teen at best. Pray for this country.
Start by figuring out a way to nullify the 5g networks that are propping up everywhere. These are going to be the control mechanism for the central banking/NGOs to ensure compliance digitally. All consumer goods will be connected to this network.
You think its a coincidence that while we are in a 'pandemic' (one that needs 24/7 propaganda coverage) all these 5 g towers are going up along with 5g panels on every building top.
That email was a conspiracy bro
Oh Palkex are you trying to turn this place into a neo nazi hangout with all your facts?
Enjoy your hamban
If their noses were just a bit bigger I'm sure the media won't ever let the world forget it.
nah I'm good
Don't tell anyone shes mossad or israeli. Its a secret
This place is dogshit. Telegram is better. Brittle homo mod team here makes reddit look like stormfront
2 weeks buddy. Curve gotta flat
Go to telegram.
Thats right rabbi ham you ban his butt back to the gulags. Don't take that crap
I'm just waiting for the day where people realize this whole system is a scam. Then we will be presented with a more realistic, normal, and/or traditional solution.
This is where the snare is. We will lose our liberty and embrace a system of slavery under the guise of a solution to this obvious farce of a system. Ordo ab Chao
Not working on chrome for desktop. Working in safari, IE/edge, firefox
Hajdu like to take a long walk off a short pier.
Yes everything will be better in just 2 more weeks. Gotta flatten the curve bud. Chugs soylent green
I like the part where you thought the media was owned by white people
Those darned conspiracy theorist domestic terrorists at it again
We all know what the covid stuff clears way for. Cashless, tracing, verifiable etc. It is all so you cannot get off the system they (central bankers and NGO's) want to impose
You don't need to go that far. It's just a false doctrine rooted in pagan godly worship.
please add the following to your list:
People dying from COVID is true. Its a bioweapon and they knew in advance of its release via event 201. This thing has and will kill many whether you think its a hoax or not.
Billy Gates even said in one of his interviews something to the effect of "they will find out in the next wave"