well now that i got you to click...
abortion is murder
trudeau is castro's son; tyrant son of a tyrant
canada is a fascist totalitarian regime, filled with fascists
Bannon has been right about everything for five years
and the only reason to come here and cry about it
is cus the whole fucking world is watching you be retards about it
to you freedom loving canucks out there. godpede. hang in there.
thanks for your time
lol does OP think she's on reddit or something?
“OP” is Reddit slang, isn’t it?
"OP can be traced back to the early days of online message boards in the 1990s and early ’00s. The first definition of OP in the Urban Dictionary was made in 2003. It states that it stands for “original poster.”
You actually researched this? What a loser.
I can see why you think the vaccine is wizard poison if you think that's an insurmountable amount of research
I wouldn't want you to go through life misinformed.
OpEd is an editorial. OP is Reddit slang for original poster.