I think it’s up to you to provide a link to the science behind the unvaccinated travel bans.
By now you know I think it's up to you to support your claims first. The idea of being obligated to research any unsupported claim made here in OmegaCanada doesn't appeal to me.
I see you've dropped the part about Canada being the only place in the world that's doing this.
Another example of Truchodi refusing to provide any evidence whatsoever for her apartheid against children.
You’re violating their human rights in a whim.
Pure evil.
I think you were going to provide some links that would tell us what you're talking about.
I think it’s up to you to provide a link to the science behind the unvaccinated travel bans.
I’m waiting
Where is the evidence
Where are the links?
By now you know I think it's up to you to support your claims first. The idea of being obligated to research any unsupported claim made here in OmegaCanada doesn't appeal to me.
I see you've dropped the part about Canada being the only place in the world that's doing this.