So, 1% of people that have tested positive have died. Yes.
Thank you. It's a handy metric for discussing the risk of myocarditis because the people telling scary stories about it don't dare - can't, actually - come up with anything similar without showing how ridiculous they are with their "DOn't Get vacCINATED! iT'lL giVe yOu mYOcArDiTIS!"
Since we're talking about it here are some current numbers:
Thank you. It's a handy metric for discussing the risk of myocarditis because the people telling scary stories about it don't dare - can't, actually - come up with anything similar without showing how ridiculous they are with their "DOn't Get vacCINATED! iT'lL giVe yOu mYOcArDiTIS!"
Since we're talking about it here are some current numbers:
Global 1.024%
Global 1.03%
Canada 1.083%
USA 1.094%
Like you... Covid kills 1%
Over six million so far.
Everything is relative. Millions of people die every year, regardless of covid
Here's some context for you: