I think there's no doubt that the political spectrum 100 years ago does not in any way resemble the political spectrum now. I would also suggest that capitalism as we are currently familiar with, has been grossly perverted.
We do not have free market capitalism. What we have I believe, is consumerism in a monopolistic market. It's a facade for actual communism. Big business and government are so far up each other's asses it's impossible to tell who is what.
Just my opinion. Don't care about votes.
You're both annoying as fuck.
You two keep at it. You're both really close to winning this online pissing match.
If you don't understand that "democracy" is just a theatrical production designed to keep the sheep convinced they have a voice, you're not paying attention. There is no political solution.
Yes I care that it's all rigged. I care that every aspect of "democracy" is a giant scam designed to keep the cattle believing that they had a choice. I don't understand your second sentence.
There's no political solution. You cannot VOTE your way out of authoritarianism. Look at our fuckstick PM in Canada.
Weird post. Who cares? If you are still living in 2020 and don't get that democracy is a theatrical production, you're wayyyyyy behind...
EVERYONE misses the big picture. The (((people))) who made/released the virus also roles out the response AND the injections. Anyone who cannot see that not only are the "vaccines" not vaccines, they were brought about in an extremely authoritarian way - which was a manufactured opportunity to inject the entire world.
To summarize:. Evil, lying, greedy, and corrupt people created fear to sell a poison to the non-critical thinking public using bought governments.
This is misleading because it doesn't say how much they paid, just what they had refunded. To get a refubdy, they had to pay something. Useful information would be to show their gross and net profits then show their actual taxes paid.
I am perfectly ok with helmets being a personal choice.
There are far bigger reasons to not support trump.