Bombero1411 2 points ago +2 / -0

I found the (disappointing) info. But that’s the shred of info to keep your eyes on, the Presidential Proclamation bit.

Nobody wants to go hang with family again more than me. It’s maddening.

Bombero1411 2 points ago +2 / -0


“Presidential Proclamation 10294 requiring non-citizen, non-immigrants be vaccinated to enter the US will only end if:

  • President Biden rescinds it
  • Congress repeals it
  • Judiciary strikes it down

Proclamation 10294 and the CDC Amended Order implementing Biden’s policy have no expiration date.”

Bombero1411 5 points ago +5 / -0

Suck mah balls hahaha argue argue argue argue-ologist traveling to the depths of the Argument Trench in your submersible arguesphere to study little glowing arguments