CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow it has a memory.

Yes, I’ve received two doses of the bullshit vaccine I didn’t need, a choice I regret.

A lot of people who received the vax didn’t want it but took it due to aggressive government coercion.

It’s clear and evident that the government has been operating on the basis of politics and not medical science. The Trudeau government still doesn’t even acknowledge the clear medical fact of natural immunity.

Canadians have never been so divided, angry and polarized, and why Justin Trudeau is so deeply hated by so many. Trudeau predicted this effect himself, yet he now acts surprised.

I’ve always promoted informed consent and personal choices.

Liberals like you are against informed consent and personal choices.

You even admitted they there is no longer room to “be liberal”.

You’re an ultra-far-left extremist who would say anything at all to advance your politics.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

“It is reassuring the changes that have been noted appear to be mostly short lived, so I don't want anyone to be unnecessarily worried.”

Oh good, I’m not longer “hesitant”. Thanks CTV.

CanadianRighty 8 points ago +8 / -0

And the retards still wear masks after they’re “recharged”


CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

just as not all liberal voters are retarded "late-stage capitalism" pink-haired fags.

You're right. A lot of them have blue and purple hair.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

I addressed each point in your post.

Now its your turn.

Tell me exactly what you think Trudeau meant by "tolerate"? If he chose to no longer tolerate "those people", what would that have looked like?

When you ask if "we" should "tolerate the right", what do you mean exactly?

How would you eliminate or silence the people who disagree with you?

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

staying longer than the police allowed

No, police don't make decisions on "allow the protest to go on" or not.

It was a Liberal political decision to invoke the emergencies act to stop the protest of the Liberal mandates.

at a certain point it's not a protest and it's harassment.

On Feb 7 a judge ruled the protests were legal. Until I see charges and convictions, unsubstantiated claims of harassment is just another Liberal talking point.


you're expected to take health measures like everybody else.

Fascinating how Liberals immediately shift their political opinions in sync with the whims of their leaders.

"such a measure could have “real divisive impacts” for Canada and its communities" -Trudeau

"we always know there are people who won’t get vaccinated and not necessarily through a personal or political choice" -Trudeau

I'll go with Trudeau's previous opinion, you can stick with his current one.


Should we tolerate the right's nosedive into facism?

I reject the premise, I counter that the right hasn't changed, that its the left who has abandoned their principals, and have gone far-left authoritarian.

Liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights (primarily to life, liberty, and property)

So according to you Liberalism is fascism.


CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why won't you tell us what you meant by "no longer tolerating those people"?

What were you guys going to do to them?

You're the one pushing the same agenda as the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany.

Fortunately you guys didn't consolidate enough power to pull it off.

We need to make sure you never do.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

What do you guys mean when you say “we need to ask if we will continue to tolerate those people”

What does no longer tolerating your opponents look like exactly?

You’re a neo-Nazi

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trudeau was testing the waters to see how many of his supporters would agree with “no longer tolerating” those with “unacceptable views.”

What did “no longer tolerating those people” mean to you? Freezing their accounts? Rounding them up and putting them in camps? Genocide?

Fortunately you and Trudeau are a fringe minority and most Canadians don’t share yours and Trudeau’s Nazi tendencies.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not in the public interest = Not in the politically compromised Crown Prosecutors interest.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a literal retard.

It's not an insult it's just an observable fact.

You are too stunted to see your side for who they are.

"Will we continue to tolerate those people?" -Your side

"We want our rights" -My side

Eat shit, Nazi scum.

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’re not going to wait a moment more than needed to respond to the changing science, and get those truckers back on the road!

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many corporate injections does the unquestionable science say we’ll be getting every year, oh expert of blatant fascism?

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ultra far right conspiracy theory, any good Liberal would throw Murphy into a cell for this type of illegal hate speech.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it’s called left wing crony capitalism.

Liberals are famous for it.

CanadianRighty 1 point ago +1 / -0

They fall under the giveaway bucket.

They're institutionally reliant on wealth transfers to stay afloat.

They're basically the welfare-bum provinces of Canada, of course they're going to vote Liberal.

Also the Liberals aren't flooding Atlantic with immigrants, as that might actually get them to flip.

CanadianRighty 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because low information boomers, ultra high levels of public employment and giveaways, and flooding the country with immigrants aka liberal voters

CanadianRighty 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m far more right wing aka “conservative” than the centre of the CPC.

I also would prefer if PPC didn’t exist at the moment, but if the CPC goes back to where O’Toole had it, I’ll be voting Bernier again.

Besides, by my calculations more Trudeau = a higher chance of an independent Alberta. I’d pay everything I’ve earned so far for that.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea that was me with Scheer.

Then I followed through and picked Bernier over the Tool.

This time Poilievre has me fully back in.

CanadianRighty 4 points ago +4 / -0

let me guess, everything will be better now that elementary kids are getting their genitals mutilated by purple haired activists who simultaneously state that they were born in the wrong body and that gender is a social construct.

Fuck you people are retards.

CanadianRighty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just type in “Trudeau Blackface” and you’ll get a wide array of images of one of his prime disciples.

CanadianRighty 8 points ago +8 / -0

Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs in history.

But they chose to block it and call it horse dewormer.

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