ChazzleDazzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

True one slow plays his measures, the other rams it in faster. Both sides play for the same team.

It's like a cool off period when conservatives are in power followed by the liberals who accelerate the agenda.

ChazzleDazzle 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone part of the liberal party is a terrorist.

They've even terrorizing anyone who disagrees with them by:

Making them lose their job, Banning them from travel, Forcing passports on provinces with bribes, Coercing people using military grade tactics to get a vaccine, Tracking the phones of 30 million Canadians, Half the cabinet and Trudeau are WEF pawns,

Shall I go on

Fuck him and his feelings.

ChazzleDazzle 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is he leader now? O'Foole the clown is quiet. Get rid of him and I'll vote conservative again.

ChazzleDazzle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it hard to have a pre jab appointment where they test for antibodies first and have a follow up a week later for the jab if negative?

ChazzleDazzle 1 point ago +1 / -0

You guys keep shifting the goalposts one way when it comes to vaccines. The government keeps running cover for them while they move the goalposts the other way about opening up.

When the vaccines came out it was all about herd immunity and stopping the spread. Now it's not about that, it's about ICUs.

It's the governments job to ensure capacity, you can't all of a sudden care about capacity when you didn't give a shit about fat people, smokers, alcoholics, fentanyl addicts, opiate addicts all these years.

Stop the bullshit

ChazzleDazzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

The pandemic is over and these morons in the US and Canada are fucking everything up.

Well I hope all the vaxx tards enjoy empty shelves. Choices have consequences.

ChazzleDazzle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huh? Partially vaccinated stats are better than fully in every category.

ChazzleDazzle 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol what 5% is meaningless

75% vs 80% Unvaccinated that's not significant at all.

And if you want to compare ICU and hospitalizations in that case one dose outperforms 2 or more. So it should be a one dose vaccine and that's it.

ChazzleDazzle 7 points ago +7 / -0

Crazy shit.

These scientist morons are now saying what many have been saying all along. The shot is for obsolete strains of the virus.

I can't imagine the consequences of having your own body create spike proteins over and over again with this poison. The theory that it will weaken your immune system seems very plausible.

ChazzleDazzle 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stupid headline

Generally speaking omicron itself doesn't cause severe illness regardless of vaccination status.

ChazzleDazzle 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they're all one shot vaccines Statistically there's no difference between someone with one shot vs three. IMO it's been stretched out for maximum profit.

Personally if the data turned against the unvaccinated legitimately I wouldn't be against taking one shot. It's dose two, three etc. Where the problems start.

That being said I don't think these vaccines will have a u-turn in their downward spiral of efficacy.

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