Sugar, lack of exercise, lack of connection with ancestors, no religion, no meaning beyond cooming and reddit, low Testosterone. I could go on.
Most of these guys just need a steak, a barbell, and a book of their ancestors’ myths. Maybe an axe to fell a tree or two as well.
Huh, George the Godless Wog has a fun ring to it
I’m just gonna start flying the red ensign again. The current flag was a symbol of multiculturalism to begin with.
Either that or the government is about to start a massive backpedal
Modern Christianity is just outright heresy
Based vikings
This is accurate. We’re unfortunately likely going to balkanise. The East Coast will be Wasp and Gael land, Quebec will probably turn into a French Republic, and the rest will turn into warring city states by ethnic background (and white liberals will probably be eaten due to their out group preference).
I am basically pureblooded English and I have just gone to calling myself English (Canadian). The Canadian part of my identity doesn’t mean anything anymore. So I am just straight up an Anglo Saxon now.
Until Canada rebuilds some kind of national identity then that is what I will remain.
When it all collapses I get to be a warlord.
God only knows man, as far as I’m concerned you can’t have a post nation state. All that will happen is it will balkanise when shit hits the fan. Look at how hard it is to get French Canadians to work together with British Canadians, and those two countries are right next to each other with similar cultures.
I think the current conflicts between Jews and Muslims in Canada are a great testament of when is to come. In the end, they have greater allegiance to their own peoples over Canada. Which of course they do. The fact anyone in this country thought everyone could just be friends and sing Kumbaya is moronic.
Yea I’ve met Norman. He’s a great man. The CAF has completely lost the plot. I’d honestly say that it ought to just be absorbed back into the British Armed Forces. Least they don’t put women on the front lines, and get actual funding. Not like Canadians want to pay for their own defence anyhow.
Well, either half of the senior leadership are perverts, which is possible, or you’re witnessing a Night of Long Knives type event where all those who go against the party are removed. Admiral Norman would be a great first example. He was slated to be CDS until the liberals came to power and the shipbuilding scandal happened.
The whole force is also now being steeped in Idpol and anti Saxonism at an alarming rate. There’s shit going now where you have to ask a coworker their pronouns etc, and everything is about Black and Indigenous people. As if there aren’t Black and Native senior officers (which there are many). Further to this the government seems to be pushing the anti Anglo Saxon narrative into overdrive, and basically all who are of said group are evil for existing.
That is actually in the Bible, the book of John I think
The dark ages were based. Least they were for personal liberties, and education was nowhere near as bad as people think. There’s simply less material that has survived 1000-1500 years. There’s evidence that the trade routes didn’t break down either (there was apparently a Byzantine port in Cornwall. Later the Venetians moved this port to Portsmouth). Sure the vikings were a thing, but I’d take the Heathen army over a surveillance state any day.
Bloody frogs
What about couleur?
Everyone has a racial origin. Therefore it is racist to ban any of us.
The east coast is more based than voting patterns would have you believe. Only reason Eastern Canada has been voting liberal outside of Halifax is gibs (which isn’t great either) but overall the culture is still alive and well.
This homogeneous population also led to straya level covid boot licking
And like the French spirit back then, the Anglo Saxon, and French spirits of Canada cannot be crushed by liberals. It’s in our DNA.
Not the best idea according to newer findings. Basically you get double the Estradiol that way, as Dianabol aromatizes. So if you take test and dbol at the same time it can apparently give you bitch tits really easy. Back in the 70s Dbol and Primobolan was a very common stack for this reason - Primo doesn’t aromatize.
My father got AstraZeneca. I swear to god, if they kill him or any other of my kinsmen with this harebrained product mixing shit, I will unleash an unholy terror in Warzone upon anyone involved.
You don’t mix Tylenol and Ibuprofen for Christ’s sake. Or Test E and Dbol. Why they fuck would you mix experimental drugs.
Some white people: “I would like this experimental vaccine, and I consent!” - Racist obviously
Other white people: “I am not comfortable taking an Mrna vaccine until there’s more evidence of efficacy and safety” - Even more racist
I would rather eat Klaus Schwab than a cricket
Go ahead haha, I got it off a Political Science prof.
Yea I’ll just “illegally” fish instead like my Norse ancestors