I live in Victoria so my vote for O'Toole would mean jack shit, I'm throwing one down for PPC
I'm anticipating the worst, Canada is way too woke and will be signing up on fascist me harder daddy.
The guy is a male version of a Kamala Harris type, he is a snake who will say anything to get elected. The "Conservative" party has probably been taken over by communists GG y'all.
Your best bet is Alberta
This good
I've been saying the vax passports in BC will soon be irrelevant since they're just going to lock down everyone anyways
Who is more against covid restrictions Alberta or Saskatchewan? In case I need to move.
The PCs sound like they were pretty cucky but I guess beating the Liberals is good
This is one of the lamest things I've ever heard
He doesn't even need to cheat, people are cucks enough on their own
My simple take would be world leaders/rich people have decided they want all the other major countries to copy the CCP's model instead of the US. Either because they're stupid/naive or because the CCP bought them off. They think they're the good guys and this is the route to a great reset type thing.
Once vax passports technology is in place it's easy road to a social credit system punishing people for going against the government in other ways. The only thing left to do at that point would be to phase out elections.
If they went full conservative Trudeau would have gotten a majority.
Canada is lost until the woke fad wears off. It's a country of followers who think the government is their daddy right now. We're fortunate O'Toole went far enough left that he got some of their votes.