MadMaxForPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

More like scared they are losing voters in the West because of their shitty Liberal 2.0 platform.

MadMaxForPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

Conservatives have just turned into Liberal 2.0 it's disgusting.

MadMaxForPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

bUt ThATs RaCiSt/XeNoPhObIc will be the answer from Turdeau and any of his supporters. It's their easy out for any question they don't want to answer and Canadians are eating it up. When in reality we don't want wages to go down and real estate prices to continue to skyrocket.

60% of these 400k/year immigrants are from the "economic class" to fill our "labour shortage". Really what we have is a decant paying job shortage. Why don't we let supply and demand do its thing to allow wages/benefits to come up on their own? Flooding the market with cheap labour will keep wages low.

This is happening all over the USA right now with a shortage of labour the wages/benefits in low income employment are climbing to meet the demand.

Canadians are eating up this garbage just because of the ABC (Anything but Conservative) mantra. I'm not sure why they are so scared of the Conservatives as they have basically turned into Liberal 2.0. We need change and that is going to start with the PPC. We may not get this election but we need to keep trying. Change has to start somewhere.