MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they're not exposed to our ideas, they'll never learn. This is why the liberals want to silence us. The pen is mightier than the sword in the long run.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is true, but the media never provides such context when badmouthing the right.

MrPussyWhiskers 11 points ago +11 / -0

The woke idiots are infiltrating every branch of government not only in Canada, but also around the world. Just look at the bullshit going on in the US.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Let's say that everyone in Toronto became a right wing conservative. Blacks, whites, and browns. Would that change your opinion?

MrPussyWhiskers 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nice to see blacks and whites together united in the destruction of one of the most tolerant cultures that has ever existed. Communism has worked so well for Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela, etc. I'm sure it would do wonders for Canada. You can topple all the statues that you want, commies, but we will never forget who made Canada great from sea to sea- Sir John Alexander Macdonald.

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +5 / -1

It is possible that our numbers are bigger than they appear, we just need to find a common issue to rally around. The left goes to great lengths to divide us by race, gender, education, class, and so on. This is the way they gain power. You may have more in common with others around you than you think, but if not, then yes, it's time to move, as you said. Moving to a new place is always exciting. My only criticism is that I see people saying, Canada sucks, and I'm moving to X country. But each country has their share of troubles, and sometimes the grass on the other side is not as green as we like to think. If you do choose to move, then Godspeed.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think my point is that the paper goes contrary to the narrative that the MSM wants to put out there, which is that only one-toothed cross-eyed Trump supporters are refusing the vaccine because they are ignorant. This is a similar strategy that they've been using for years now in politics. That is, the right is made up of uneducated, fat, and ugly people, while the left is smart, sophisticated, and good-looking crowd. The paper indicates that those who are hesitant about the vaccine also include book-smart people, though it says nothing about their looks. As far as why the two groups (low and high education) are hesitant is difficult to say. Maybe they share a common human trait that makes them suspicious of injecting foreign substances in their bodies, or maybe they arrived at the same hesitancy through different paths, or maybe something else. It's also possible that the design of the study is not good.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

You see, brother, I think you've been misinformed. Trump has lost millions, while Obama and Biden have enriched themselves at tax payer's expense. They are thieves. Bernie Sanders is another grifter who was given a lake home in order to move out of Hillary's way. Also, let's not forget Seth Rich, another Bernie man, who was apparently "removed" after he handed over the evidence of what was happening to Wikileaks. You sound like you care deeply about your country. Well, so do we, and all we want is to be left alone, so we can grow and live in peace. That's all.

MrPussyWhiskers 7 points ago +8 / -1

We're always telling immigrants to stay put and fight for their country. So, why don't we follow our own advice and fight for our homes?

MrPussyWhiskers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obama and Biden have enriched themselves from the government. Trump actually lost millions. Now ask yourself this: who should I trust? The guys who enriched themselves from the tax payer or the guy who actually lost money? Oh, and the meme is not that funny. Sorry, the left can't meme. Sad!

MrPussyWhiskers 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are a lot of different communities who don't want the jab across Canada. We have to put differences aside and unite against the tyranny of the left.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

We've been seeing the left advance aggressively in the past few years. People here laugh when some us get worked up about seemingly innocuous things like the ban on memes in the EU and so forth. Now the chickens are coming home to roost, and we're being dragged into a fight none of us want but fight we must.

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most people's eyes would likely glaze over when someone starts describing the selective evolutionary pressures that "leaky" vaccines put on the virus. It is a bit too abstract for the average person. I like their idea of a vaccinated person being a puzzle box for the virus. Once the virus figures it out, then things could get worse. How can this idea be simplified so that an average person understands?

MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just wait until they hear that they have to play Russian roulette and get a booster shot every 6 months or less. This is a good time to be in Big Pharma $$$

by steveh7
MrPussyWhiskers 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, let's inject our YOUNG men and women with a substance that can cause heart problems in their age cohorts. I mean, we've been experimenting on them for a long time, so why stop now?

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying that I'm cool for bringing this to your attention, or are you saying that I'm just some internet dude cherry-picking information from a study in order to make a point that fits his narrative instead of writing a proper dissertation about a Facebook-based study?

MrPussyWhiskers 6 points ago +6 / -0

Vote. Demonstrate. Make noise. Educate yourself on the issues. We're passive in Canada, but the time has come to make our voices heard because this shit is unacceptable.

MrPussyWhiskers 6 points ago +6 / -0

Was the polio vaccine a leaky mRNA vaccine? How long did it take to test and develop it? What were the side effects? The covid vaccines are leaky and can cause a host of side effects, including death and long term damage. Those are facts. If you choose to get the vaccine, then you're free to do so, but fuck off if you think people should be forced to take it.

MrPussyWhiskers 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not anti-vaccines either. Today, for the first time ever, I began to look into demonstrations in my area. I haven't found anything yet, but I know they exist. If it's safe enough to go vote, then it's safe enough to exercise our right to demonstrate. Whether you're left or right, the time has come to stand up, join forces, and be heard.

MrPussyWhiskers 18 points ago +18 / -0

Those were horrific experiments conducted on the Jews. They had no choice but to submit to Nazis. The Nazis believed that they were doing it for the health and well-being of the German nation. What the Liberal government and other leftists governments in Canada are doing is no different. They are using the health of the nation as an excuse to inject a dangerous and experimental liquid into people's bodies. We've got to stand up to this bullshit.

MrPussyWhiskers 20 points ago +21 / -1

The Nazis conducted many experiments on the captive population of Jews. The government of Canada is now forcing Canadians by forcing them to inject a vaccine that causes heart problems, blood clotting, strokes, and a host of other issues.


MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +3 / -2

This equation is very simple. If you want to get rid of Trudeau, then hold up your nose and vote for the CPC. If you want to stick to your principles, then vote for Max. Personally, I think that the best thing for Canada is to get rid of Mr. Groper Blackface and his party of clowns.

MrPussyWhiskers 14 points ago +14 / -0

Tam and the clowns just finished a press conference in which they were drumming up the fourth wave to get young people to vaxtothemax (yes, really). They were asked whether it was good idea to have an election, given that the fourth wave is now in full swing. They gave a bunch of non-answers, but they did mention that you can vote by mail. They will try to steal this election with mail in votes like they did in the US.

To any pro-vaxxer out there, this is why many people don't trust this government. They yell fire so you get the jab, but then say it's totally fine to throw yourself into it.

MrPussyWhiskers 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sun is one of the biggest variables that determines weather and climate, but all you hear is man-made global warming. They attribute the current fires in BC to global warming, but there is absolutely no evidence that these fires are the results of this. It's all just conjecture and alarmism.

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