Ontarian 7 points ago +7 / -0

If hospitalizations and ICU numbers don't change much they'll credit vaccinations rather than the fact that omicron is relatively mild.

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

meanwhile taking 4000 IU of vitamin D3 every day has no side effects and people could have been doing this based on evidence from early on in the "pandemic"...

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

So Canada should become a predominantly white Nordic country?

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, from other vaccines.

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wasn't one of the arguments against ivermectin that it had a few side effects (that are not serious)?

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this guy's gay partner a prime suspect in his "sudden death"?

Ontarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funny how socialists keep pushing this when its socialist countries that consistently fail to achieve this in every respect.

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another winner who hasn't realized that in Canada at least the willfully "unvaccinated" are mostly BIPOCs.

I still haven't seen any real proof that young, health-conscious so-called anti-vaxxers who are taking precautions are the ones ending up in ICU.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Canada would have achieved the same level of natural immunity by this point our number of deaths would be similar to South Africa's, possibly higher due to our higher obesity rate and older population. Not sure why people like you are so fixated on death counts and rates since it was determined early on what the fatality rate is and what contributes to this. Boasting that Canada is somehow better goes back to your racism -- you seem to think that Canada is somehow better than predominantly black South Africa.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

South Africa has a higher population density and much higher number of people with HIV, which puts them at greater risk of sever outcomes. The fact that their deaths have not been significantly higher is interesting.

But in the end this is about natural immunity and how it impacts omicrom. It's estimated SA has a 60 to 70% natural immunity level and as a result omicron has not been a serious issue. How widespread is natural immunity in Canada? Probably much less, meaning possibly that many people people will experience serious outcomes, the majority being vaccinated, not unvaccinated.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Older age is associated with more degenerative and metabolic disorders that have also been shown to heighten the risk of death from COVID-19. Therefore, it is posited that the demographic structure of SSA plays a critical role in the low morbidity and mortality of COVID-19. It is possible that the burden of severe disease and death may be low despite suspected and undetected widespread transmission. In fact, it is possible that widespread transmission has already occurred without precipitating the high death rates seen elsewhere due to the relatively small proportion of elderly and lack of large long-term care facilities for the elderly, which have been the epicenters of mortality in Canada and elsewhere.43 >It is notable that some areas of SSA, such as South Africa, have a much higher median age (27.6 years), which could be a reason for the higher COVID-19 death rates seen there.44

Across SSA, long-term care facilities are almost nonexistent, with the notable exception of South Africa, leaving the provision of care to families.49,50 Large young families with high levels of unemployment and low labor costs enable care to be provided by individual relatives rather than a team of professionals, which limits the number of caregivers that may transmit infection. In the first wave, approximately 33% of South African long-term care facilities experienced outbreaks.51 Furthermore, data from South Africa have demonstrated that COVID-19-related deaths are highly correlated with increased age; approximately 2.2% of all COVID-19-related deaths occurred among persons younger than 30 years, despite their consisting of 54.2% of the population.52,53 This is a further potential explanation for South Africa being an outlier with a higher death rate than in other African countries.54

Further, approximately 70.2% and 67.5% of adults in the United States and Canada, respectively, have been observed to be either overweight or obese (BMI greater than 25).91 Conversely, among countries in SSA, these rates range from 18.1%–38.4%, with exception of South Africa whereby 51.9% of adults are either overweight or obese.91


Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

We can thank China and people in South Africa with HIV for this.

Ontarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to you covid has been spreading like wildfire through the unvaxxed meaning most will have some degree of natural immunity. South African data suggests wide spread natural immunity not vaccination is the cause of the low levels of hospitalizations and deaths. There are a lot of fat, vitamin D deficient, immune-compromised vaccinated non-boostered people in for a rude surprise when they get omicron, and get it they will since everyone is supposed to get it.

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

"all those" are/were a few hundred very elderly or people with serious underlying health issues who probably would still be in hospital if they were vaccinated. Not everyone can get vaccinated stupid.

Honestly I thought you were over this when your racism toward black BIPOCs and Liberal-voting 40-something Karens was exposed.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

When will this stupidity end?

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it "misleading" if it's 100% factually correct?

Misleading is how you twist and distort statistics about "unvaccinated" hospitalizations.

Ontarian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, he's Canadian, was a firefighter, and was fired. So the title is factually correct. Are you disputing that a volunteer firefighter is not a "real" firefighter?

Ontarian 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have you ever been a volunteer firefighter? It still requires a high standard of skill and training, the commitment is the same really. It's not like they deal with emergencies that are of lower severity than full-time firefighters.

If you watch his videos you'll learn that he's not opposed to vaccines rather takes issue with the fact that he has to reveal private medical information and that basically he has no choice but to be vaccinated against his will.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting how their explosion of cases coincided with the beginning of their vaccination campaign.

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I actually have researched it. More than enough information is available online if you know where to look for it, which I doubt you do. Don't you get tire fo being stupid?

Ontarian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. It's an internal dispute between elected band council and a small group of people who claim to be hereditary leaders. The current issues stem from the fact that Joseph Brant -- who, incidentally, was a slave owner -- sold off much of the land as he saw fit. The government of the time was actually opposed to this but they had limited powers to deal with this. These "disputes" are for lands they lost but that won't stop them from claiming it was robbed from them and that it's still rightfully theirs. There can't be but a few score people who objectively understand the history of Upper Canada. Most people will accept the lies Six Nations "activists" tell and their ally media promote without question.

Ontarian 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what great contribution to Canadian society has made it possible for you to have time to come on here and demonstrate your stupidity every day, then?

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