by narf8h1
Pappy_Gunn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Fucking savages.

Pappy_Gunn 4 points ago +4 / -0

The truth and reconciliation commision lasted from 2008 to 2015. The report came out in 2015. Five BILLION dollars were paid out in damages.

But yeah, the media is stirring this one now, in complete synch with what is going on in the US and Europe.

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm one of those vieille souche Canadians that Trudeau has promised will be replaced, and whose firearms were made illegal a year ago. Not celebrating Canada anymore.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

... and if you don`t you are just an uninformed retard:

Andrew Enns, executive vice president with Leger. “I do often see in these surveys that the general public is occasionally out of step with what you might often see is the groundswell on social media.”

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

They already got $1.6 Billions in damages for the chapter schools.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

The magic number is $1.6 Billions. This is what Canada paid the survivors of chapter schools after the reconciliation report came out and Trudeau aplogized in 2017. Who actually got the money? My guess is lawyers and Chiefs.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cannibalism is sort of a new one on me. A lot of the horrors and torture the natives perpetrated has survived through history, oral, written and traditional. My family cane to north america (new France) a tad before 1670, at a time where the French expanded west and were bamboozled by the Huron to declare war with the Iroquoi. A warrior nation. Too lazy to check, but the war lasted about 100 year until they got a French regiment to sort them out. Later the Huron became allies with the French and the Iroquoi with the British. The savagery of the Iroquoi is legendary, tales to scare young Quebecker kids. A buddy of mine has one of his ancestor's statue in some village in Quebec. He was a French military (Carignan-Saliere) who got scalped by the Iroquoi.

Pappy_Gunn 9 points ago +9 / -0

But try an experiment: Don't send your kids to school. See what happens, white, black or indigenous.

Anyway, 25% of kids dying before 1900 put things into perspective for me. So let's say 250 dead kids over what? Let's say 50 years to be conservative. 5 kids a year? Not bad at all. The nuns really took good care of them. Anybody got death rates for kids living on reserves?

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turns out it was a fag that ran over other fags. Probably a hissy fit over some stupid shit.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

White supremacists? Most of these fat unionized fuckers are too lazy to goose-step...

Pappy_Gunn 55 points ago +55 / -0

Funny how fast they found a motive. When some "youth" mows down people on the streets yelling Allahu Snackbar, the motives are always unclear, but a backlash against Muslims is always expected. Yup, the media will milk this to the max... What 215 kids again? That's so last week...

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well if you amend the constitution, will you please add a right to keep and bear arms, as well as a right to private property? Thanks.

Pappy_Gunn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know of any Anglo sportscaster who can pronounce Patrick Roy's name correctly, and that's just one player. Are we going to start hanging them too?

Pappy_Gunn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their top guy signaled a pause and was purging the military of whitte supremacists, etc etc. You know what this means; the last institution that wasn't far left is now being converted. The LCol losing his appointment is a message.

Pappy_Gunn 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree. There is a retroactive witchhunt going on, applying today's woke standards to go after Sr pers for stuff they did 20 years ago. But those at the top supported both cancel culture and "zero tolerance" attitude. They kneeled for BLM and "encouraged" people to go to Pride parades wearing the uniform. They thought this would save them? Fools. They are reapoing what they sowed. In today's world, all you need to do is make allegations and the media and woke crow will do the rest, ruin a reputation based on allegations. It doesn't matter if the men are innocent. In one case you read an article and have to go to para 6 to find out the charge is that a man sent an email with "innuendos". The text of the email is not provided, so you can't judge by yourself. It's a fucking woke circus to distract from a rusting out CF, a corrupt government and a broken economy. It's show.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember a few of my friends getting into a room in the shacks to get a female out of there. She was drunk and was about to have sex with a subordinate.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quebec is pretty good for nice chicks. Ontario... not so much, not just because there are a lot of fatties, but becasue they are entitled bitch femisists.

Pappy_Gunn 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's hard for them to limit flights, that's where all their voters come from....

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't wait ustil they have trannies in the Olympic Women's Hockey. There is a fair percentage of dykes in hockey (and I meann dykes,not lesbians) a bit like there is a fair percentage of gays in San Francisco. A lot of those females are Prima Donnas, and being dykes they despise both men and especially trannies. They also play very dirty, the kinda shit that would start a fight in male hockey. There are really only 2 teams that matter, Canada and the US, and they hate each other like only women can. NOW, enter a few 6'2" trannies that can grind along the boards and in fron of the net (yup, picture that) and dirty plays, and you got yourself some good setup for somebody to end up on a stretcher. I'll be watching THAT kind of women's hockey for sure.

Pappy_Gunn 3 points ago +3 / -0

They gave you shit in English? Consider yourself lucky...

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