RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Japan should add a bunch of Trannies to their Olympic Defensive line. Psyche out Team Canada's forwards with their intimidating presence. Imagine Team Canada losing 15-0 to Japan and being too woke to be able to say why.

RedditModsTossMe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canada has corrupt poll workers, corrupt authorities and a corrupt activist government who would make sure the PPC never won anyway. You can't achieve power in Canada by being a democracy cuck who thinks if they play nice and legally the people in power who don't and hate you will let you win.

RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's going to be the next leader of Canada's Conservative Party if Biden just hired them?

RedditModsTossMe 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have no respect for any Canadian in uniform. Pudgy fat out of shape betas living off the valor of World War veterans. Taliban goat herders don't have tanks or jets but this beta military can't win a war against them? How are these CADPAT cucks going to face the Chinese or Russian military? They won't. They'll stand down like the CFB bitches they are. Absolute disgrace.

RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +2 / -1

Pay for a license that allows them to know you're a gun owner so they can show up unexpected whenever they want. Good Canadian goobers, keep licking those boots and showing Trudeau's goons you're "one of the good law-abiding ones!" only for them to continue to treat you like a criminal anyways.

RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a Canadian citizen I've never respected the armed forces of this country. I've always viewed them as "MeToo" coalition forces drag-alongs who are living off the valor of WW1/WW2 veterans. No way some fat tranny in CADPAT who talks about gender unicorns and intersectionality is even in the same league as someone storming a machine gun bunker.

RedditModsTossMe 2 points ago +2 / -0

"COVID" will disappear if Biden is elected. It was used to bring mail-in voting shenanigans and hurt Trump's economy. The hint that it wasn't a real threat was the media supporting mass protests.

RedditModsTossMe 6 points ago +6 / -0

CBC: "Meet the 170 year old Black Biden voters who fear they'll have to move to Canada if Trump is re-elected."

RedditModsTossMe 6 points ago +6 / -0

One will shove a rainbow and blm flag down your throat and demean you for your "privilege" of being born the way you are with the media organization it funds while passing more gun laws to keep you defenseless, the other is a President who will play hard with you on trade and tariffs.

You're not a traitor for supporting Trump, you're a traitor and masochist for supporting your own government that wants you submissive and self-degrading.

RedditModsTossMe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me why I should care about Chinese stealing intellectual property from Western companies when they want to stuff rainbow flags and woke advertising down my throat and give me less performance for the dollar?

RedditModsTossMe 2 points ago +2 / -0

You give them nothing to fear, your pacifism is compliance in their eyes. They're okay with your memes and dissent, because it does not endanger them. You'll stomp your feet and get mad, but that will be it. You won't burn or riot like Antifa, you're too proud of being civil and that's what they like. Your civility is a gift to them. You engage in wrong-think to them, but are well behaved and submissive enough not to pose a threat.

RedditModsTossMe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything is worse now and no, it's not because you're getting old.

Movies? Remember when you could see gripping films like Se7en and The Usual Suspects in theaters? Not anymore. Enjoy your commercialized Marvel and Disney spam.

Wrestling? Entertaining people on the mic and storylines? Not anymore. Enjoy your indie manlets doing flips and performance center nerds acting like they're the top dogs when they would have been thrown around like a piece of wood on Sunday Night Heat 20 years ago.

Hockey? Remember when Scott Stevens would fuck you up if you tried to be cute with the puck? Pretty soon checking will be banned and replaced with flags on uniforms.

RedditModsTossMe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hand out gifts to people who aren't wearing masks in front of people who are.

RedditModsTossMe 4 points ago +4 / -0

You could literally be minding your own business and be knifed to death and these Canadian media companies would spin it so you were the aggressor.

RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Laws? Canadian Justice operates on the feelings of judges and prosecutors.

"I like that one, he's indigenous and oppressed, let him off the hook. Give the white guy his sentence instead. He could learn something from this."

RedditModsTossMe 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Calls to defund our police who protect us from lawlessness."

Or arrest you for mean words, while they don't arrest OTHER people for mean words.

RedditModsTossMe 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Not all truthful statements must be free from restriction."

All Lives Matter on a Pride flag. "Take this flag down now!"