Riggs99 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hopefully they are not doing shady things in Ontario and Quebec, where they seem to be pushing Dominion machines on provincial elections?(not sure saw something last year but didnt verify)

At least for now with Voter ID it is tougher to fake. But they are pushing mail in ballots, and news stories setting the stage for future 'internet voting' (because THAT cant be hacked at all right?)

Trudy was probably relying on the $600 million bribe he paid all the major news orgs to give him fawning coverage, apathy from a summer election call, fearmongering and propaganda that doesnt get challenged, and sheer Hubris as the Libs have called themselves the 'natural dominant party' for decades. Oh and the fact that most Canadians are sheep and sleep away while the world is burning.

Also - since there is zero policy difference between Libs and Cons - people will just shrug and not vote - benefitting the incumbent. (Albert is finding that out real hard this week that on the big issue of the day - they are not siding with people but money and Liberals)

Riggs99 10 points ago +10 / -0

This started as a free speech site - and turned into a not-free speech site.

I think reddit did something similar...

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every politician should be presented with this and demand what they are going to do about it.


University of BC, along with Canadian government, funded, and designed the mRNA mechanism of lipid nanoparticles, then made sure it was the 'only cure' for the pandemic - and was working on that 'cure' years before we even knew of the pandemic.

Also, the current virus was being patented and developed years before, with public records showing funding, intent, and patent records clearly demonstrating it was not a 'naturally occurring' virus.

We should not be arguing (only) about masks and lockdowns - but demanding action on racketeering and bio-weapons treaty violations.

He seems to have the goods on what he is talking about.

Riggs99 8 points ago +8 / -0

Funny how a site for free speech quickly turns....

Oh and the media is hypocrites.

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

99% believe in Sharia for the world!

Diversity is out Strength is on the way!

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0


Vote your conscience.

Maybe, MAYBE if you are in a riding that is a even 50/50 split and will be decided by a few dozen votes, maybe think about strategic voting.

If conservatives want your vote, make them see they have to earn it, not simply get the 'well derp derp i guess there are not other options so here you go' vote.

If the PPC gets even a couple seats they will suddenly be front and center with a public platform instead of being dissed as a 'fringe party of nuts'.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is destroying the province, then retiring next month.

Wonder what his payout will be after for having the 'courage' to be the most totalitarian leader in Canada. (Well second most after Quebec it seems)

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are dozens of local countries with similar 'ideologies' they can flee too.

They choose rich western countries for the welfare and free everything and 4 star hotels.

Riggs99 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Fully vaccinated is a moving target"

Vaccines give you immunity, no need for boosters.

These are not that.

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Doing regular testing is a very bad thing too, the tests have ethylene oxide on them. a known carcinogen.

Which they will be jamming up touching the blood brain barrier on a regular basis now. Which if gets scratched or punctures can severely damage your immune system and open up new pathways for infections.

Riggs99 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have been lying since day 1.

When you dont actually track who is vaxxed or not when sick....can say whatever you want.

Riggs99 1 point ago +1 / -0

They had 20 years to try and stand up as a democratic country and value freedom, and folded back into a sharia theocracy inside of a week without troops and massive money propping up the illusion.

They made a choice.

Twitter lets them on so they must be considered the legitimate govt....

Riggs99 17 points ago +17 / -0

The goal is booster shots every 6 months, then once a month.

Because people's immune system will be so destroyed by the shot you will need monthly boosters to 'keep ahead of the as many variants as we need to keep people in fear' flu thing.

and if you refuse even a single one, no job, no travel, no food, no cell phone, no nothing - thats the goal.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

next wave 2022 'we were studying these, got some gain of function dollars from a certain famous virus 'specialist' - and it got out and wiped out millions. opps sorry'

Riggs99 8 points ago +8 / -0

And they wore orange - just like every other 'orange revolution' in other countries in recent years. Including the antifa/FBI led Jan 6 'insurrectionists' who all had orange tape or labels to identify themselves among the crowd.

They want to tear down the country, and what is 'leadership' doing?

"Well it's understandable"

Dark days indeed.

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe there will be some kind of class action lawsuit soon people can join to stop left wing governments and big tech from censoring people.

Riggs99 10 points ago +10 / -0

Clown world government wants destruction, they will only arrest one side of the argument.

Churches burn, but only pastors getting arrested.

It will get worse.

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Her twitter feed shows she is a fucking idiot spewing propaganda and lies, and attacking facts and truth and everything Trump related.

It took killing her own nephew to realize maybe blindly spewing lies has consequences in the real world not just on twitter. but only maybe since even after she was still tweeting other teens should still take the shot. "monitor their health" - fucking moron.

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dominion stole the vote from Max in PC leadership race.

We should have had PM Bernier right now.

Riggs99 20 points ago +20 / -0

Dominion stole the vote from Max in PC leadership race.

We should have had PM Bernier right now.

Riggs99 3 points ago +3 / -0

"This is the only way forward to get back the rights you used to enjoy - like going to Church"

Manitoba seems to be 95% sheep for letting it get to this.

Riggs99 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lib and CPC leadership races are 'tabulated' on Dominion voting machines.

Think anyone with guts is ever going to win ever?

Maxime 'almost' won and then had to leave and start his own party - that immediately got smeared by MSM.

The fix has been in for some time now it seems.

Riggs99 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cancel in person voting - mail in ballots?

Are they going to be counted on Dominion machines with Smartmatic software too?

Wonder who is going to win?

Riggs99 24 points ago +24 / -0

Doomers are missing the point, whether accidentally - or intentionally.

Those machines were designed from the ground up, software and operating system code, hardware, internet access - to be hacked and hide it from prying eyes(including basic audits). It was found to have close to 50 'vulnerabilities' - and that was what was found with less than a week digging by people, including its own operating manual.

Results going in have no relation to results coming out - whoever is paying the most can get whatever results they want including 'just winning by a hair to seem fair'.

Any race they were used in must be assumed to have been bought by someone and not valid. Anyone saying "we need proof or else" - is either idiotic or in on the crimes at this point.

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