Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8


Yes my guy. Trump team rolled the dice and thought that democratic people in more polulous areas would die more from a fringe anti vax movement and disinformation campaigns. Thing is, Fauci layed out how to not die and kill people and, surprise, in heavily vaxxed places the mortality rate is much lower than where antivsx nonsense took hold, where there was a 10% excess mortality rate. Decemated yourselves and lost the election.

The right is more approachable on purpose, they use easy language to confuse the fact that they fucking suck in every thing they do.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

Says the unironic actual Nazi who doctors quotes and specifically doesn't post links to make it difficult to trace. You're a clown 🤡

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

"For the "thE VaCcInES ArE KiLLiNG PeOplE!" crowd: there should be an increase in deaths after the introduction of the vaccines in early 2021, but instead the excess mortality count stays relatively stable despite the virus case count growing from 85 million to over 600 million in the same period."

You can take this one step further and compare Republican counties with low vax uptake and compare the rate of excess deaths. Before vsx it was +1.6 and then to 10.6 the year after no one took up the Vax. Direct causation if public health policy and the populations unwillingness to do a damn thing

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

Found the incel Nazi.

Urallfucked -9 points ago +1 / -10

Y'all are acting like its not the provincial government choosing to build another uncessecary highway instead of actually investing in a clean energy source. He wants us to rely on gas in the medium term because conservatives are just shills for big oil

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7


Probably because it grew out of slave patrols - even in Canada NWMP were almost exclusively a native people oppression force.

Urallfucked -9 points ago +1 / -10

Uh huh. I'm having trouble believing you're swimming in eligible ladies considering how much my actual life triggers you.


Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9

Howdy dawg you got it

lazy google search has come up with some of his views - he's in part responsible for bringing the toxic side of christianity into the conversation and on the party issues

(https://www.economist.com/open-future/2019/03/28/inside-the-mind-of-ben-shapiro-a-radical-conservative) "His views are classically religious-conservative. He suggests that transgender people suffer a “mental disorder”; he opposes same-sex couples raising children; he has said (and sort of retracted) that “Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage.” "

(https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/06/everything-ben-shapiro-says-is-still-worthless) "these are just feelings disguised as facts"

Apparently he pushes the myth of trickle down economics even though the wage gap between median worker and ceo is now much further than the times of the French revolution Even if you factor in slavery

He's in theory not a dumb guy but he honestly would benefit from opening his perspective and not pitching grade 9 myths the education system sells to keep the working class docile, as well as trans hate etc.

Apparently he's also tweeted that he personally doesn't believe woman get wet but I'd pinch in a salt bae's worth of salt bc false tweets are super easy to make convincing - buuuut who knows I watched a doc about female pleasure and sex ed and stuff and I had no idea how repressed they were as a gender over there. They literally couldn't name their parts and didn't know the clit goes inside as well but one of them was like "I know like 90 slang words for vagina (still not saying vulva - reducing it to just it's reproductive functions and forgetting everything else [like the clit])- and I know sex is something an attractive women gives to a man, like, as a gift" That's what keeping education away from the masses leads to, and an alterier "whoops would you look at that a crop of docile females who don't think too hard and think their lot in life is to submit to a cheating fuck who won't bother to get to know them"

Sorry for connecting dots that aren't there but somewhere down the centipede that's the result that some people root for, and there's also an actual link that conservatism makes women more vulnerable to violence


It's having the effect of women straight up avoiding conservative men who cast their ballot for the party that's taking away women's rights and avenues to being empowered and informed


Anywho tldr, he's a useful mouth for a guy who should be smart enough to know better, just has avoided perspective expanding or chooses to believe myths the capitalist overlords sell to the masses. Also he dubiously doesn't know how to lick a clit but that's like 30% likely, in part because the christian facist movement is all about bringing women back to the position of you were my rib now you shall be my children factory and dinner dispenser

Probablny not cohesive I've stopped editing and just doing stream of thought stuff. It works and doesn't - there's definitely tangents of context not translated.

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

What do you listen to these days my guy?

I think a song is worth listening to at least two to three times even if the vibe is off. The words probably convey a message that reading the lyrics off genius.com might convey. Like I thought not entirely alone by the narcissistic cookbook was shit because I zoned out and only heard the beginning and end repeat but the one off lyrics in between are so dark and fucked it's a crescendo of awesomeness

Also I wish I could wear hats by Brian David Gilbert. A true crescendo and cacophony while expressing body dysmorphia and anxiety poinigently

Urallfucked -10 points ago +1 / -11

Enlighten me then. He testified false facts were true to his knowledge when it was proven false.

Sorry I know it pales in comparison to the pile of dogshit you folk pardon him for but it is a crime that normal people face consequences for.

Urallfucked -9 points ago +1 / -10

The reason there are no positive role models though and the void is filed with Ben Shapiro and actual murderers and white supremacists - is because the movement is three tablespoons deep and once someone is aware of the vast ocean of academia and the conclusions everyone everywhere draws - they naturally turn leftist. Einstein's social views are specifically struck from all mention of him very carefully for example.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

My guy ya gotta give respects to Said the Whale, Mother Mother, that one with the "ohh the boss is coming" from Hamilton

Edit: arrogant worms?? Barenaked ladies? Great big Sea?

For real though check out Jarv, Watsky, Logic if you like to read lyrics and enjoy flow and rap. Wax if you're feeling very chill

The Reign of Kindo perform in Canada sometimes and are honestly great musicians. If you take nothing else check them out all their albums are distinct and great in a way

Radiohead and muse are like experimental rock and then like dramatic rock somehow. Probably not Canadian but important still

Iron and wine is a very chill guy from down south good songs to learn on guitar too

Good post though dog hope you're doing well.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

didn't see anything because I was spending quality time with a female, sorry you can't relate.

At this point I'm content to let you kll yourself. You're not vaccinated, right? Pureblood and all? Asking so I know how long I have to put up with you.

As for Hati, have you been there, or anywhere close? Very lose population density - being an island country shared with the Domincian Republic. They also don't have a white supremacist movement that is actively going against health measures or superspreaders - and I'm willing to bet self isolating is commonplace.

Remember, all your insults are simply projections, and it paints an image of a sad, fat, lonely internet troll trying desperately to make people kill themselves with him.

Goodbye nerd.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

It's hard to have regrets from beyond the grave, it's true

Urallfucked -7 points ago +1 / -8

Imagine still thinking this was an insult in 2022.

Urallfucked -6 points ago +1 / -7

I accept that there are people there to do nothing more than a job, and deserve respect. Having restraint is an honourable trait and if you exercised it when in a position of power then kudos to you.

I'm wondering - was there any patterns of having more police presence in neighborhoods known to be predominantly BIPOC? Is ticket quotas really a thing? Driving while black & Carding practices are a systematic statistical reality - but that's not to say that some aren't cointributing less or more it'sjust hard to say if it's systematic or a few people wreaking the curve.

Also what's your opinion on the police union? Surely you agree that the law enforcement agency shouldn't have political power that makes them almost untouchable by societal change. That's been holding us back a long time.

Last minor point, do you think funds allocated to police forces are doing the most maximum good they could be doing?

Urallfucked -8 points ago +1 / -9


In my opinion the mis and disinformation wave that led to people dying from a preventable pandemic is more worthy of legal repercussion, but who am I to say. I'm just an educated rational productive and bitch laden man, what do I know. I'm not doing anything right.

There's non rna full helix vaxxes now. You don't even have to be in the phyzer gang.

Urallfucked -7 points ago +2 / -9

Perhaps it's the unvaccinated triple jabbed that frequent forums like these that give out the tools and brag about bribing drs that are dropping like flies. Would track.



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