'Canada Man'....the word is 'Canadian'.
Seriously who writes this shit? We don't refer to Americans as 'America Man' or 'Yankee Lady'!
Stupid uneducated Millennials who can't even proofread their own shitty title.
Edit: Ignore the first bit, I didnt realize the OP wrote the title. My point about stupid millennials stands however.
Its either him or some minority checkbox ticker. Personally I would like to see Diefenbaker on the $20.
The second your local MP challenges any of the big issues, they will be tossed by OToole.
I don't understand it either. Super heroes were cool when I was ten years old, but they hardly capture the imagination now. I never understood the draw of Marvel movies to be honest. I saw the first Iron Man movie and it wasn't that good, never watched another one.
Its fuckin cultural appropriation!
Yep. They had the Olympics in Germany in 1933.
Not going to support any business that enforces it. I will just order online from Walmart and fuck the small businesses. Oh well.
what you say? hey hey hey!
100%. The public unions alone are unsustainable.
Yawn...wake me up when he says this shit in public. Trump would.
Someone has yet to explain to me how the unvaccinated cause harm to the vaccinated.
Kenney is praying for a CPC victory so he can fuck off back to Ottawa and leave Alberta in the dust.
A middle aged celebrity got a cold. How the fuck is this news?
One day there will be no more taxpayers, then what?
Indoor golf simulator? I am not a fan of golf, but that sounds sweet!
For those of you wondering what O'Toole would be like as PM, just imagine PM Doug Ford.
Its the 'soft bigotry' (its quite clear bigotry IMO) of low expectations
Excuse me but are individuals not responsible for their actions? What about the people that have lost everything because of these abusers? What about those who lost their lives?
They have just as much agency as we do, the major difference is WE were willing to let them live and let live, but they couldn't help themselves. They attacked us and stripped our rights without provocation.
If we don't take that seriously, then we don't have values at all. Even Jesus condemned those who refuse to repent to eternal suffering.
I am OK with returning the favour. Fuck them.
It makes me so happy to see the PPC gain traction at the cost of Cons and Libs.
Perhaps by next election cycle PPC will make some big gains.
Just like most of us wont have CPP when we retire despite paying in for decades...
So if the allegation is false, why step down?
Gotta love this Brett Kavanaugh style defamation right before an election
This is the same dude who claimed COVID was made in a lab back when it was verboten to even suggest such a thing.
Glad to see someone is still talking some sense.
Those types will poison the well regardless of what is said.
You would be wrong. O'Toole will be vilified by the left if he becomes PM. He will be compared to Orange Man even if he's moderate. He will pull a Doug Ford and go full woke.