Canada has been corrupt in this way for some time - nothing is sacred to our secular governance - no fear of God, no parental rights - now they are Patrick Batemans. We were told this would be Biblical.
Of course, you reach out to other members of your Satanic cult.
This is what a Godless nation where nothing is sacred anymore does.
That's if this is even true. I don't believe it because they run propaganda to manufacture consent.
You understand as the goal posts move toward the Total Hell they have planned, soon, here, just like in Australia, if you test positive you are going to a compulsory internment camp?
They are doing it gradually enough that you comply with each compromise.
It violates a few more laws and principles than that.
Outright crimes against humanity. Civilian juries need to try these politicians.
They are all at war against Universal Human Rights.
I am angry, but I maintain they are on the verge of committing crimes against the population severe enough to maybe be called a civil war.
That makes Trudeau is a war criminal and we need civilian special juries assembled to arrest and try him and just about every premier.
CBC is going to love telling Canadians that the unvaxed, and those who fell behind on their boosters, are being taken to camps for simply a nice shower and hot meal. That part is predictable. The issue is, how and when do they stand trial.