Vaccine-refusing COVID-denying ultra-populist
- Derogatory. A term of insult favoured by communists and propagandists. Used to slander any thinking person with balls and a brain who is having none of their commie bullshit.
That person is openly contradicting my lies! I'll bet that vaccine-refusing COVID-denying ultra-populist didn't even go into crippling debt for eight additional years of Marxist indoctrination. - A non-gullible, critically minded person who values their family, life, and livelihood. See also: human, after evolution has had a few centuries to take its course.
Even with 5er, this cost the taxpayers at least $25 too much.
$5 to script the lies
$5 for a voice over
$5 for the (obligatorily diverse) stock illustrations of dopey simpletons
$5 to animate their oblivious stupors and catatonic stares
$5 for a soundtrack to pacify frightened farm animals
And a country full of uncritical sheep who eat this shit up? Priceless.
Here's my attempt at a translation from double speak to ordinary english.
- COVID fatigue is not a real thing. People who are fatigued fall asleep, but in this case, people are waking up.
- COVID-19 is not a real serious disease, but we're going to keep pretending that it is because it's easier to just go along with it than it is to stand up for our rights. Besides, if you're a diabetic 350lb forum mod, catching a cold can be deadly, so having everyone else wear masks and stay as socially deprived as we are makes perfect sense.
- Only false/misleading information, coincidence theories, and unproven medical claims are permitted here, and you must ensure they are compatible with the teachings of Covidian Sect Scientism or else you will be excommunicated.
- You are required to agree with all measures put in place because if you so much as hint at civil disobedience you will be silenced as a heretic and excommunicated.
- Public health authorities are not ouuur enemies, because as spineless internet janitors who subsist on hot pockets we don't actually care about human rights. These authorities are completely immune to criticism here, and while it does look like they're plotting to promote some variety of authoritarianism, by which we mean the Chinese variety of communism, we don't care about that because as previously mentioned we are invertebrates who never cared much for human rights anyhow.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and posit that the people opposed to these "vaccines" are on average stronger, smarter, and more disciplined and principled than the purple haired leftists, basement dwellers, and soy latte drinkers who are their biggest cheerleaders.
People need to stop worrying about what labels leftists fling at them, from "anti-vaxxer" to "right wing extremist" or "racist bigot". The words a leftist uses don't mean anything. In fact, their central motive seems to be the corruption of meaning and truth.
Don't argue about such labels or defend yourself against them because in a leftist's world they're as likely as not to mean the opposite of what they should.
Voting for whoever you dislike the least, and indeed, voting in general, is a powerful force for change, and the person who can manipulate the largest number of uninformed youth, ignorant housewives, and clueless immigrants into finding him agreeable should rule this strong, proud, and free nation.
Yep, and naturally they'll move the 75% goal post too, if we let it come to that. If they can convince enough of the citizenry that summer fun is a gift from big brother they'll start holding summers hostage every year. Those booster shots aren't going to sell themselves.
Hell, they'd turn July into a purge event if they thought they could motivate the scared, stupid, and gullible to murder their way to a game of frisbee.
That's probably because they literally are racists. Leftist terminology is inverted.