xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder what kind of ideology wants to get rid of the older generation so there's nothing left of what came before?


xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can't speak for Canada but in most cases in the US, unaffordable housing is due to a housing supply restriction caused by suffocating regulations on HOW and WHERE you build affordable housing. These are city level things in the US so what is the case in Canada?

xzibit_b 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hope the French people protest this. This might be an unpopular opinion but I think highly of them in regards to liberty.

xzibit_b -1 points ago +2 / -3

He does more than just laugh at racism. He bans it. That's why there's all the furor on the website.

I for one come here frequently because the rampant racism on TheDonald/patriots has gotten boring.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or the same poll if conducted on New Yorkers. Or Connecticunts. Or California locusts. Or "The New Arizonan™" Or Colorado.

There are a lot of different kinds of people under the label of "American." Peoples who you would be proud to associate with, and people who you would be loathe to share a nationality with.

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

US federal government is exactly the same. I've been feeling so demoralized lately that it's getting difficult to find joy in anything I do. Every now and then I take a break from social media and the like to get better but my brain involuntarily drifts back to how fucking shit we're doing.

We're in this together, lads. America strong, Canada strong

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no evidence that Trump ever called countries shithole countries. It's another "aNoNyMoUs sOuRcE"

Anything pertaining to Trump has lost the privilege of having their anonymous sources taken seriously. Put up or shut up. Anonymous sources is a valid thing as there is a very real chance of whistleblowers being persecuted for exposing very real crimes (just look at what happened during Obama's admin) but when you abuse this valid principle to lie, people stop caring.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Polls are almost always completely entirely shit, and the poll only shows what the poll maker wants to be true.

xzibit_b 0 points ago +1 / -1

You got me good, "AnonymousPatriot21"

Utter imbecile

xzibit_b 0 points ago +1 / -1

When Trump was in office, Trump endorsed all of the pieces of shit that he is now flushing out. When the primaries are over, Trump is going to support whoever the Republican candidate is. That is a fact, fuck your feelings.

But while the primaries are ahead, Trump will work to get the ideal candidate he wants. I am absolutely right when I say Trump would vote for whoever the conservatives put up, because he knows its preferable to have CINOs (conservatives in name only) if only to have a majority in the government rather than having the conservatives be a minority government.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trump would vote for whoever is put up.

Trump would vote for Mitt Romney or John McCain if they were the conservative option put up

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's nothing that can be done in regards to the election. The only thing we can do (and ARE doing) is exercising some good old fashioned federalism. Wait until 2022 and lets see what these state election reform bills do (the local law enforcement agencies MUST provide punishment for failure to follow the law) and if they hold weight, we'll take the house and senate, removing the most dangerous parts of the Biden Administration. All he'll have are executive orders which can very easily be reversed by a subsequent executive order.

Don't be dumb like the US, Canada. Care a LOT about whats going on in your politics. The left did not magically become strong, it was decades of small power grabs and constant concessions by people who assumed their opponents were acting in good faith and with honest intentions.

xzibit_b 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if he were right and people were keeled over in the street, I would ask "Why aren't these people doing anything to preserve themselves?" If the virus is so bad, why don't they simply take the CDC's suggestions? What is missing from the ire against Florida, Texas, and Republican states is the concept of human individuality. The concept is that Floridians are too stupid to want to live so the government must force them against their will to take caution in unprecedented times.

I don't know about your boss, but give me liberty or give me death

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

Polls are fake. Polls are shit. It does not matter whether polls are telling you what you don't want to hear or what they want you to hear, they're bunk.

xzibit_b 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you check the previous posts of OP, they post things like this very regularly.

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