posted ago by AlphacideXXX ago by AlphacideXXX +44 / -1

Yesterday, I deleted my apps for CBC, CTV, FOX, Facebook, Twitter and many others. I disabled all of my built in apps, browsers etc. and replaced them with alternatives.

My goal is, 1 by 1, to eliminate all methods of huge passive income and meta data collection that mega corporations and governments can use.

I have also been narrowing down replacements for my OS's, Email, Web Hosting, Office Suite, PDF, Accounting etc.

My goal is, 1 by 1, to eliminate all interactions with Micosoft, Google, Apple and any other mega monopoly company.

In the past 8 months, I have changed from majority grocery to majority local, use more cash, refuse to use ATM'S at Banks or Stores. I cut up half of my "loyalty" tracking cards.

My phone and laptop, which is required for work, will be the hardest to modify but it can be done.

As long as money can be made from us in these ways, they have all of the power.

What you Buy and Use Matters.