5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

What was the Conservative's plan, to let in 380,000 per year instead of 450,000?

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

“He’s not going to take people off a gun or gang or domestic assault case to attend to a vaccine certificate issue.”

Good man.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

And you owe your mastery of solutions to global pandemics by new viruses to what? Your relevant advanced degrees and years of experience in infectious diseases? Or Facebook, Bitchute, and Russian troll farms?

Utterly pointless ad hominem argument that adds nothing to the discussion.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

Soft? That's the understatement of the year. For starters, we allowed Chinese military scientists to have unfettered access to our highest-containment facility in the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.

And then JT called an election recently which conveniently kept the information (as requested by the House of Commons) about the aforementioned disgrace, surpressed indefinitely.


5hogun 8 points ago +8 / -0

In the, at least, 2 years since Canadians have been exposed to Sars-cov-2 (when a plane full of sick Canadian soldiers came back from the military games in Wuhan, Oct. 2019), ONLY 15 Canadians under the age of 19 have (offically been claimed to have) died from the virus. They all had other medical problems and/or extreme obesity.

Now the cabal are pushing to vaccinate 5 to 11 year olds, despite the benefit-to-risk ratio for that age range being so absolutely abysmal it can only be described as morally and ethically despicable to encourage such lunacy.


If you look in medical textbooks, "Features of effective vaccines" in order of priority as listed:

"Safe: Vaccine must not itself cause illness or death."

"Protective: Vaccine must protect against illness resulting from exposure to live pathogen"

"Gives Sustained Protection: Protection against illness must last for several years."


5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's all a moot point. Our woke future is bleak.

And whether it's JT or O'toole running things, another million immigrants in the next 3 years.

5hogun 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only political party leader who has the gumption and conscience to stand against totalitarianism, medical tyranny, media manipulation and mass hysteria is a traitor?

Strong logic.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

He completely ignores the issue of vaccine mandates. You know... Only a major turning point in Canadian history. And what will remain as a lasting and unnecessary measure of this absurd theatre of manipulation and hysteria.

To serve not only as a tool for keeping pharma corps and their innumerable benefactors flush with profits and enjoying a guaranteed subscription plan, but also a useful introduction for plebs to get comfortable with profferring their little tracking device with the requisite QR codes in order to carry on their daily movements and activities.

Your access to health services, driving priveleges, "health"/vaccination status, credit history, social media/internet activity, criminal history, political allegiances, and a glut of other private information, all neatly tied together with your corresponding social credit score on a government mobile app that will only cost taxypayers billions of dollars to create and manage.

All for the greater good of course.

Naturally, doors and opportunities will be automatically closed to those who choose wrongly to go against the grain, but we shall live in a great society free of criticism... excuse me, hate speech of any kind. And one in which you will own nothing and be happy.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

The useless cunt should have developed some semblance of a backbone and opposed tyranny under the guise of public health then.

Kenney, Ford, the list goes on... Can't stand for what they believe. They're millionaires already for Christ's sake. I'd rather resign than flip-flop like a little weasel bitch.

5hogun 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sick cunt. Will never look at this country the same way again. The fact that millions of Canadians will still actually vote for this dickless, wannabe-dictator, cretin turns my stomach.

It was bad enough giving him a vote the first time; now it's unforgivable.

5hogun 13 points ago +14 / -1

Have you listened to the delusional "leader" of this country saying he has no sympathy for people who are unvaccinated and that "those people" are putting our children in danger? Pathetically vilifying fellow Canadians and fanning the flames of hate and division for no reason other than to pad big pharma's pockets, assert more restrictions, and usher in digital IDs/social credit so he can achieve the "basic dictatorship" he so admires.

Standing outside of a hospital is nothing compared to what should be going down with what these sick, totalitarian fucks are inciting. People are barely dying of your dreaded disease. WAKE THE FUCK UP before Chinada becomes a reality.

5hogun 9 points ago +9 / -0

How is this a revelation?

It took 6 years of incompetence and blatant misdeeds for people to realize what anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knew from the get-go?

You voted in a "man" who by his own admission, admires China's "basic dictatorship". I mean for fuck's sake, get a clue.

And if he had his way, he'd have me up on hate charges for even uttering such facts aloud.

5hogun 5 points ago +5 / -0

She wants to be the leader of Canada

Wouldn't it be wonderful to hear succinct expressions like, "Soon come" in the House of Commons... Eloquence is so overrated.

And to think, she handled herself 2nd best up there last night on that panel of buffoons. Jesus Christ, this country...

5hogun 6 points ago +7 / -1

He supports medical authoritarian tyranny for proft. Fuck him.

5hogun 15 points ago +16 / -1

Exponentially more concerning is the fact that you're surrounded by at least 75% spineless fucking morons.

5hogun 9 points ago +9 / -0

Threatened? The video ends stating she was dismissed Sept. 7th.

We're surrounded and beset by brainless cunts. The spineless people in this country and its "leaders" turn my stomach. This woman has more balls than all of the mask wearing turds I see out there, and zombified fools lining up for their useless pharma poison.

5hogun 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, the irony is not lost on me. Who am I kidding... They've been so incredibly easy to manipulate and control that they'll likely be demanding to wear the burqa too when that day comes.

5hogun 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yep, until they inevitably get their own guy in there one day.

Can't wait to see the shock on the faces of those islam-defending, extreme left, feminist loons when their rights are taken away and they're forced to cover up their smug, know-nothing, idiotic mugs, as decreed by religious law.

But I'll be long gone from this sinking ship by that time.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is what happens to a society when the average testosterone of its men falls too low, in combination with extreme liberalism.

5hogun 3 points ago +3 / -0

How Patrick Brazeau lives with himself is beyond me.

In a boxing match versus this effeminate, silver-spoon, dictator-wannabe, little bitch, I would commit seppuku if I didn't knock him out cold in under 30 seconds. Nevermind fucking losing!

5hogun 18 points ago +18 / -0

What we learned?

Locking people down, eviscerating small businesses, spending insane amounts of money we don't have to pay people to stay home and play video games, making children wear masks, coercing and mandating useless and dangerous pharmaceutical injections... None of which has worked to defeat an undefeatable virus.

Great idea to apply your abject FAILURES to a myriad of other entirely separate problems.

5hogun 4 points ago +4 / -0

They conveniently leave out a picture of the murderous piece of shit.

CityNews is horseshit.

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