I see losers parking nearly 2 blocks away from the store they are going to just so they can charge their EVs. I also see even bigger losers park their car at a charging station on Sunday mornings and just read in their car for hours at a time.
I'm in the CAF, trying to exit as soon as possible. All I want to say about it right now is it's members are the biggest leeches of Canadian taxpayer money. 19 year olds who have never paid rent in their lives are given a house on Vancouver island and they pay ridiculously low rent because it's subsidized. A 19yo doesn't deserve that money and should not be coddled like this right out of high school. This turns people into entitled twats with a poor understanding of what Canadian taxpayer money should pay for.
Grocery stores: Walk in maskless, if a security guard asks you to put on a mask say you are medically exempt and they will immediately go away. If you really want, print a "medically exempt" card to stick in people's faces. You might get a copy of one on action4canada.com
How do the customers know which car is yours? Park 10 metres away from the store so your car won't be messed with. Keep not wearing masks, don't conform out of fear. How can you not be ashamed with yourself knowing you adhered to insanity because you were too weak to stand up to it.
I agree. PPC received 400,000 votes last election. Our goal for next election should be to double that.