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This divisive politics is a play out of the CCP book to take over the world, Trudeau should be tried for high treason
It's renegotiated all the time, Treaties expire.
My doctor advised me to not take the jab. End of discussion.
The worst are the malignant. Check my comment history, been saying this for years.
We are in a war
Justin trudeau is a CUNT
The underground railroad, It existed, Nova Scotia is where a lot of the freed slaves ended up settling. The communists are rewriting history . This should scare us, we are in a war. Pray.
This country has gone to hell
He's a fucking cunt cunt fuckimg piece of shit. FUCK!!!
Amen, Testify!!
Please archive the article, I don't want to give cbc any clicks
That article induced vomiting
They are brain dead, retarded gives more then they deserve.
Divisive politics, him and Trudeau do it all the time. Divide and conquer, we are perpetually being played
This whole plandemic is imploding in the states, it will implode here, people just go about your day and ignore the government
This pandemic is starting to implode
Interesting how a global news camera was there at the exact time
Muh muh muh racism, waaaa waaaa, what an asshole piece of garbage
Sorry I got caught not sorry
I'm just going to be cautiously optimistic
Already at 58%. I realize this good be the carrot and the stick. I'm optomistic
People need to get off their phones, says me who is using my phone to remark on people remarking on that tweet
Alberta ,oopsie
We live in a communist country and until the masses realize it, we're fucked
This divisive politics is a play out of the CCP book to take over the world, Trudeau should be tried for high treason