Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it's obvious you're a lawyer when you take 15 minutes to say something that could take 2 minutes, at 20 decibels higher than it needs to be.

Pappy_Gunn 6 points ago +6 / -0

"increase compensation for the predominantly female job classes that are comparatively underpaid"

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do these numbnuts think they will be safer here? Will they be resettled in the same neighborhood as Omar Khadr? There may be a few newcomers that do not share them other newcomers' ideology.

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Glad the RCMP is cracking those tough cases. They caught this guy before he did the deed, unlike the NB man.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. And half an hour after that, there will be zero trace left of the effort to help this (can't call it a Nation) that didn't want to be helped in the first place.

Pappy_Gunn 6 points ago +6 / -0

Better solution: Send them a rifle and 300 rounds of ammo. Let them fight for their fucking sandpit, the Opium and the dancing boys. They had a generation to get their fingers out and get with the program. But but they let the the coalition fight their war, and NATO run a fucking social service network that set up an Islamic Republic and help write their constitution. Article one: Afghanistan is an Islamic Republic and Sharia is its law. All the while watching the last churches being burned and Christians killed.

Methinks most of the population is OK with Taliban rule. Or else they would have fought them in greater numbers by now. Why don't they go to other Muslim countries? Turkey comes to mind.

Pappy_Gunn 3 points ago +3 / -0

By the way, who the fuck plus in their block hearters in an underground garage? Does it get below minus 15 in there?

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Either the guy didn't do his homework, or he thought he could steal power from the condo.

Pappy_Gunn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I knew a couple of "struggling single mothers". One stands out in particular. She had a husband and 2 kids. She decided to divorce him for some bullshit reason. No violence or drugs or alcohol involved, she just didn't like that he thought she belonged to him.

She got the house, the car and the kids. With her social services job, she could not afford the house (taxes) the car or the kids. She had to start cashing in her RRSPs and the rest.

She had it all and threw it away for bullshit reasons.

Pappy_Gunn 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is expected. What is unexpected is that they didn't keep their last bullet for themselves. I'm serious.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. It's easy to bullshit your way claiming everything belongs to you when you keep no records, don't have an alphabet and only have "oral traditions". It's like fishing stories, the bullshit gets bigger every time you tell it. Natives were happy to trade with settlers. For mere critter skins they could get magic technology: muskets, axe heads, metal knives, plow, etc. And the most magical of all: glass beads. Get enough of those shiny things, and that would get you laid. Just like today, but the shiny thing are more expensive.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

"suggested the colonization of Canada was done with good intentions."

This is where we're at with this bullsit. That somehow it's "wrong" to say something like this.

In other news, some Cree community in the north of Manitoba is begging for help because of suicide, alchoholism and shitty living conditions.

But yeah, quit you cancerous slut, instead of doing your job.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scroll up a bit. There is a post about some guy being investigated by the RCMP for bieng an asshole (he was insulting an Indian security guard).

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I visited a few years ago, had a shitty hotel near downtown and took walks. Porn shops, tattoo shops, weed shops, drug addicts in the street. A few block farther luxury car dealerships full of Asian clients.

Could not even get some Kokanee Gold, it was all fucking craft beers.

Pappy_Gunn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Only one shelf in the pharmacy too. The one with condoms.

Pappy_Gunn 6 points ago +6 / -0

That'll be the shortest tenure in history. Even though he's right.

Was reading something about the Alphabet the Native use, you know the squiggles you see on Native signs, especially in the North?

A white missionary came up with that.

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's well know that National teams are not diverse. The Candian women's hockey team is full of Canadian women. Where's the diversity? The Chinese ping pong olympic team full of Chinese!

Pappy_Gunn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Them: want to have more government intervention after the fgovernment fucked them over for years. Can't learn.

Pappy_Gunn 12 points ago +12 / -0

So vandalism is OK if it's for creating a diverse and inclusive Canada? What would happen if somebody were to topple Louis Riel's statue? After all, was he not a traitor?

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