RightOfSask 1 point ago +2 / -1

How? By bending over even harder to the vaccine mob?

RightOfSask 2 points ago +3 / -1

Of note: Rempel has been demoted from health to natural resources. And well deserved.

She should be thrown out for the shit she tweets out regularly.

RightOfSask 3 points ago +4 / -1

"Conservative government"

Let's not forget what happened in the last few months in Australia.

RightOfSask 3 points ago +3 / -0

If O'Toole and the CPC are hiding then it's no surprise that things like this are happening.

RightOfSask 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think you didn't understand him. He thinks that the PPC is the reason why the Liberals will rule forever. Ham hates the PPC.

RightOfSask -3 points ago +1 / -4

How does Trump's record spending and doubling the trade deficit with Mexico fit into the whole "classical liberalism" thing?

RightOfSask -1 points ago +3 / -4

Liberals make the same point about Conservatives.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +3 / -2

Had they been able to let the market set the price of milk

They do that in the US. Farmers sell their milk for under production cost and then beg the US government for billions in handouts and every politician, liberal or conservative, is more than happy to throw money at them.

And let’s also start buying American milk, if we fuckin want to.

If the US government stops handouts to US dairy farmers, then I would support it. If they don't, it's not a fair market when they can sell below productions costs.

RightOfSask 0 points ago +4 / -4

Roads may be too bad to drive

What kind of pussy Canadian are you?

RightOfSask 1 point ago +3 / -2

Dumb for climate activists. They are achieving things that not even 30 years of Conservative propaganda against climate change could do and that's making climate activists unsympathetic to the general population.

RightOfSask 10 points ago +14 / -4


So Conservative MPs have to get vaccinated but he will talk sternly about it on the floor?

Wtf is this bullshit nonsense?

RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

Leftists believe in 9/11 conspiracies because they don't want to accept that muslims did it because multims = brown = innocent.

It's more like America = bad, thus they orchestrated a terror attack so that the military-industrial complex can bomb brown people for money and oil.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +4 / -3

WE scandal 2.0

That event she spoke at was sponsored and paid by the government of Ontario and the RBC.



Seems like Doug Ford is paying her to speak.

Remember, it's a big old club and you're not part of it, but you're paying for it.

RightOfSask -1 points ago +2 / -3

any doctors willing to provide them

This is what happens when doctors are willing to hand out vaccine exemptions right and left:


RightOfSask 0 points ago +2 / -2

We are producing more oil than ever and we are bringing it to market. Even while Trudeau is promising to "decarbonize" our economy.



Same thing happened under Harper when the Loonie reached parity with the USD. Oil price back then was even higher.

RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

CAD's only saving grace giving it relative strength is that it is tied to commodity values. more specifically the expected probability that Canada will get it's shit together and extract/export said commodities

It's not about Canada getting it's shit together. The oil price doubled since March 2020 and is expected to go up. Thus the CAD is soaring.

RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

little misleading since second dose

It's not misleading, unless you think that the second dose is the "lethal" one.

just split across the three shots

The three shot policy just started in late September.

The big push with school children in Canada started late September so that will be a real shock for students getting injuries in October / November.

The website you linked shows that the vast majority of children were vaccinated at the same time as the adult population. And that the vaccination rate didn't change much in the last few weeks. There is currently no big push to vaccinate children.


RightOfSask -2 points ago +1 / -3

but look at where the data ends on July 2021 during peak vaccination deployment

July wasn't peak vaccination deployment. That was between March and June.


During July the vaccination rate slowed already down to a trickle.

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