RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's not progress. The Conservatives got more votes in the last election. Seems like the Cons lost more than the Libs in the last few months.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

The majority of these online fundraising campaigns end up this way. BLM, We Build The Wall, ... and so on. Same would have happened with the Trucker gofundme.

RightOfSask 4 points ago +4 / -0

The CPC is full of WEF stooges, doesn't matter if Poilievre is or isn't one too. They will do what the WEF wants.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know. We don't even know if he intends to run. There could be also scenarios like Rempel vs. Poilievre battling it out in the West while MacKay is gobbling up points in the East and in the end winning it. Last time everyone said that MacKay will win it without a problem, but that wasn't the case. There can be always surprises with a ranked ballot system. And the CPC changes the rules at the last convention. Rural ridings with less than 100 voting CPC members have less weight this time.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a sample of the members of the PC Association at Ryerson. Some 18 to 20 year old students. These don't really matter because 18-20 year old students make up a negligible fraction of all CPC members.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

If that's from the PC Association at the Ryserson University, then it doesn't matter that much. It's not the young folks hanging out on Twitter who will decide on who will be the next CPC leader. It's the old boomers with a CPC membership.

RightOfSask 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can he even call out a Conservative Premier directly without doing damage to the conservative brand?

If he can't call out people in his own party, then he has no spine.

RightOfSask 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why does Poilievre never call out Ford?

RightOfSask 2 points ago +2 / -0

Inb4 Rempel wins the next leadership race.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

exercising my 2nd amendment rights ...

For a second that guy forgot in which country he is.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mainstream Media Blackout?

Is he retarded? News here is talking about nothing else. It's even on the frontpage of CBC.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rising prices are inflation. If the durum wheat harvest is down 50% and pasta prices rise due to this, it's called inflation. You may call it due to bad weather and CTV calls it a climate disaster, but it is contributing to inflation.

Even in the article you linked they talk how supply chain disruptions caused by workers in quarantine are contributing to inflation. That is your government policy. What they state and what you think they are implying are two different things.

RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

CTV is implying one thing.

CTV is implying that weather and climate changes contributed to increased prices and that is correct. Nothing more, nothing less. Ham is implying something incorrect and that's not satire.

RightOfSask -1 points ago +2 / -3

Do not question the vaccines. You're playing right into their hands. They are the biggest achievement of mankind. Nobody is dying from the vaccine.

  • Donald J. Trump
RightOfSask 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are not wrong about the things they are writing in this specific article.

I work in the agricultural sector. It was a very bad year. For example the durum wheat harvest was down by over 50% in Canada due to the drought in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Canada is the largest producer of durum wheat, the main ingredient of pasta. Harvest was also the worst in the US since the 1960s. Prices for pasta are up worldwide because of this. There are pasta factories in Europe which shut down because of the lack of Canadian durum wheat. And durum wheat wasn't the only thing affected. Canola oil harvest is down by 35%. Hay is another concern. There is not enough hay to feed livestock over winter. We will have to import and this will raise prices again.

You can pray for rain, because if we get another year of minimal rain, it will get worse. Only 12% of fields in Saskatchewan have enough topsoil moisture currently. It's not looking good.

RightOfSask 7 points ago +7 / -0

And the best thing is that if Scheer or O'Toole would have won their elections, his statement wouldn't change.

Andrew Scheer is a member of the Young Global Leaders.

Michelle Rempel is a member of the Young Global Leaders.

Schwab should be proud that no matter how Canada votes, his goons will fill half of the cabinet.

RightOfSask 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, the last surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ...

The JCCF was founded in 2010. That's 28 years after the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was put into law. They are not in any way of shape "architects" of it.

RightOfSask 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe he should write a letter to his power hungry "conservative" friends like Ford and Legault.

RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

And yet, owing to years of Russophobic hysteria and this effort to put NATO missile systems on Russia's eastern flank (on it's very border), we're making sure that the FSB Old Guard makes a concrete handshake with the Xiist new guard.

NATO missiles systems are already on the eastern flank of Russia, in the Baltic States and Poland which share a border with Russia.

What's next for Putin? Invade and annex the Ukraine and then complain that it is suddenly bordering even more NATO states like the Slovakia and Hungary? The idiot even demanded today that NATO troops should be withdrawn from Romania and Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a member of NATO. All soldiers are NATO troops there.

Again. Biden should have never removed the sanctions on the Nordstream pipeline and should have continued supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine like Trump did.

notwithstanding its inane pledges and treaties with the failed Ukrainian state, shouldn't be provoking Russia.

Canada isn't alone. Canada is part of NATO. We aren't provoking them. If Canadian blood is spilled it will be because of Russian aggression.

RightOfSask 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't wait until the CPC elects another dud like O'Toole or Scheer. I bet it's time for a female CPC leader.

RightOfSask 0 points ago +1 / -1

A lot of people don't get that the West's push eastward didn't end with the cold war.

It didn't end with the end of the cold war because former Soviet countries like Poland and the Baltic States absolutely hate Russia. They don't trust Russia a single ounce, so of course they joined NATO as soon as they could.

RightOfSask -1 points ago +1 / -2

Ukraine should join NATO as soon as possible.

Biden is acting like a cuck. He should do exactly what Trump did. Reinstate sanctions on any company working on the Nordstream pipeline, start to ship heavy weapons to Ukraine and begin immediately negotiations for a NATO membership.

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