flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember when people were frantically swinging sticks about their bodies while mumbling "6 feet.... 6 feet" like fucking zombies? Some old dude and his wife nearly jumped into the bushes as I was jogging past on a wide trail.

I joked "hey, im not that fat am i?". The wife smiled, the husband had this look that was half fear, half anger and said something about corona. Who gives a shit, I just laughed and kept on running.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree with the title.

To be fair, the CBC is able to put out coherent and even sometimes interesting stories on non-political or politically charged topics.

But ornithological pieces don't send people clicking like mad, so they put out bait articles that get people clicking links for ad revenue.

flanders 5 points ago +5 / -0

Translation: he's staying,

He and his wife would like to remain in Canada.

And 16 families would like to have their loved ones back.

Who am I kidding, Justine will push for this guy to stay, and Canadians will do nothing as usual.

e: the comments in the article seem to be Reddit-esque, with a few people commenting against everyone who is for deportation. Shills, paid shills everywhere.

flanders 18 points ago +18 / -0

We can't make ships, we can't build planes, we can't even use our own oil and must import it from overseas, and now it's been discovered that basic processing of immigration documents has to be outsourced.

And as for them "closely monitoring the company with regular audits and security screening of all employees who work there...", it'll come down to asking "are you being good? You are! Oh phew, glad to hear it".

flanders 16 points ago +16 / -0

At this point, maybe forget about Wexit, and instead form Covexit (name is a work in progress, I'll fix it in post).

Basically all those who enjoy wearing hazmat suits and 50 masks can live in ontario quebec and the maritimes, those who don't get BC Alberta and Sask, Manitoba will be sold off to the US and used as a barrier between the two and everyone will be much happier.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

Does it matter? Toronto votes liberal, the RoC is forced to follow. We'll never be rid of justine since he's basically dictator for life at this point.

Nevermind the maritimers and quebec, but it's mostly toronto that decides all our fates.

flanders 12 points ago +12 / -0

Don't liberals always scream "Actions have consequences" when someone is caught not being fully liberal in one form or another?

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fear not, as of today the national debt is a hair over One Trillion Dollars.

But it's ok, y'see because as more people something taxes something contribute positively and then it will balance itself with neat socks LPC majority again in 2023 thanks to ontario quebec and the maritimes it's just money something China can lend us some money I'm sure no strings attached and so on and so forth.

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because healthcare providers get 10 times as much money per covid patient, so everything from a hair out of place to full blown dementia is all recorded as Covid.

After all, they can always say they misdiagnosed the case afterwards, but only once they've gotten their money and all the top admins get their bonuses. Then they'll totally tell the truth. Hey, every word in that sentence started with the letter T!

Wait a sec. The letter T.

Six t's. Sixties.

The 1960's, the same year as Operation Northwoods and the Gulf of Tonkin incident!!

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do people whose job it is to catch crooks commit crimes of any sort? They know just how tricky hiding any sort of criminal activity can be, and they're under even more scrutiny even if they're not aware of it.

And if they do commit a crime, the suspended with pay for almost 3 years is bullshit. Sorry, but she wasn't working as a cop; no work, no pay,

flanders 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its like the staff are just waiting for an excuse to pounce on students for minor infractions. Is there a special report to fill out for something like this? If so, I sense it is directly connected to ensuring the numbers remain as high and as scary as possible.

Sneeze? Corona. Cough once? Corona. Stub toe? Lack of sleep due to Corona. Sore elbow? Not enough mRNA vaccine, most likely has Corona.

flanders 13 points ago +13 / -0

Vancouver used to be a nice place to live, until developers became the defacto rulers of every city council both in Vancouver proper and the outlying suburbs.

Now you have roads designed in the 50's to accommodate traffic from the 70's while land assemblies of 5 or 6 single family houses get bought up and turned into condos. Where you once had 20 people living on a block you now get 200.

It's basically more animals at an ever shrinking watering hole.

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stop going to tim hortons!!!

It's shitty in every way, from bad coffee, disgusting locations, shitty service, and it's all owned by some brazillian hedge fund!

you don't NEED tim hortons, in any way. Just keep walking and find any other place to get coffee, or grow up and stop being a fucking chicken tendie and fries manchild and make coffee at home.

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

At this point it's not just a double standard couched in fancy evasive language, it's bold outspoken hypocrisy that they shove in your face while asking "what are you going to do about it?".

I honestly think those in charge are picking actions from a hat to see if people go along with it, and so far everyone is.

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

Boxwine catwomen... im using that.

flanders 7 points ago +7 / -0

She'll be mentioned not at all tomorrow in the news. Reddit will purge all posts about her. And her crime was trespassing. I thought non-violent crime shouldn't be punished?

flanders 3 points ago +4 / -1

I asked the reddit protectandserve sub about https://twitter.com/GKeile/status/1346995675893006336 that video 38 seconds in, as well as an unarmed protester being shot and killed while the cops let antifa lob mortars at them for months and did nothing.

Can you imagine that I was banned?!?! Because i was!!

flanders 15 points ago +15 / -0

Who the cops WILL target: white people

Who the cops will leave the fuck alone: The giant puffy coat wearing newly arrived from god knows where gangsters in their totally legitimately purchased 23 inch rim rocking Escalades listening to bad french rap and openly drinking beer and smoking shatter behind the Couche Tarde at 2AM or the underground Asian gambling rooms inside restaurants because they know any touching of these types will a) get them shot or b) result in peaceful riots or c) both.

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

But that's newfoundland. They probably tried the Screech and Cod defense, or ScreeCo as it's called, then argued that since her house wasn't painted a stupid colour she was mentally ill and not required to follow the rules.

Additionally, the judge had to come in on a day off, which in that province is 364 days per year owing to the fact that nobody works there and everyone is on the pogey. The judge was probably hungover or still drunk, so this lends credence and clearwater to a revival of the case in the Federal Supreme court, or failing that the Beef Supreme Court.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's one. Person is now sexist.

Try perdaughter instead.

flanders 6 points ago +7 / -1

Calm down Rambo, backfill those pungee pits you were building outside, take the homemade landmines out of the yard, and cancel your order of Authentic™ Navy SEAL plate carriers and BDU's (worn by actual Seals in combat!)

unless you live in ontario, then carry on, you never know when a gang war will start.

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

Because any like minded players will most likely be undercover antifa "reporters" looking to get a twitter doxxing campaign going, undercover cops, or MSM journalists looking for the next big scoop on so called terrorists (right wing of course).

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Gotta shut down Factory X in Townsville because it's bad and old and reminiscent of days past.

Instead of justine saying "here's $100 Million, upgrade that fucker to modern standards, hire Canadians, and start producing Made In Canada products", he planks, hugs Pooh, and demands that we do better by paying more taxes.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is that retired professor a home owner by any chance?

With a nice yard, a few cars, nice clothes, probably even has a study with books lining the walls. Has decanters of things. Wears professor clothes and sits in large backed chairs giving you explanations about things while throwing in the occasional Latin word to make it more elucidated, that sort of person?

GREAT! Tell them they can move into a bachelor apartment, take transit or bike everywhere, and serve a Le Supreme Example of what other places need to catch up to.

No? Then I'd tell him to get fucked and stop infantilizing these countries. They know exactly what they're doing which is building to make themselves stronger at any cost while using reddit and twitter to make the west weak at any cost.

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0



Every fucking time. Per. Capita.

So we can't send Greta to yell at china because each chinese person isn't polluting as much as someone in the west, so that makes their disposal of everything into waterways, air, and land A-Okay.

IOW, can't criticize non-western countries for anything.

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