flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

And when he invites them inside, they'll "accidentally" knock something over and he'll say sorry. BOOM! Clear case of Canadianism!

flanders 5 points ago +5 / -0

Until they find that they don't want to deal with maintaining large blocks of land, at which point they sell to china.

flanders 16 points ago +16 / -0

I swear every water supply in ontario has been dosed with estrogen.

At what point do you decide that yes you may "lose" what you have, but sitting around waiting to be put up against a wall by a mob of antifa brownshirts is somehow better?

flanders 6 points ago +6 / -0

The MSM cares not. If they can convince 100 people out of 10,000 to spend time online spreading the cheese, then it's all good.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

This may be fake in relation to more recent events, but I've seen pics similar to this at other climate change events.

I used to work at an airport, a gulfstream 550 needed two fuel trucks to top off the tanks. That was about $20,000 in gas.

So a large group of planes like this would be a few million in fuel alone. To save the planet of course.

flanders 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's just a way for the shill chatters to rack up karma, for the mods to purge more people who disagree with the narrative, and for the other regular users to jerk themselves off while howling about how virtuous they are.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

IOW it's dead. For Canadians.

For the CCP it's a nice little expeditionary force that will bow down to Beijing. Just go to the CF sub on reddit. One mod there seems to be the gatekeeper, deciding what counts as Approved Content™.

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't worry 'Berta, Ottawa will siphon off all those profits and hand them over to quebec, the maritimes, and the denizens of toronto.

Then justine will call you all a bunch of jerks for killing the planet.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Feminist. Arrested. Is this the left eating their own?

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

$10.5 Million incoming?

And of course this won't appear on r/Canada, and if it does, it will be quickly LOCKED with some limp dick orzplanation as to why.

flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

Problem is they're such shitty shots, they end up hitting everyone except the intended target 9 times out of 10.

flanders 2 points ago +2 / -0

LPT: Package food in lumber wrappers next time, since their interest has changed they won't touch the load.

flanders 14 points ago +14 / -0

What happens?

We get more coverage of politicians screeching "jUsT TwO MoRe wEeKs" over and over, on every platform, 34 hours a day 12 days a week.

And of course, woke tiktok vids of soys celebrating their jab.

by InOrbit
flanders 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was dealing with junkies in my building, not a manager or strata employee but a regular Joe who had enough. Told a bunch of junkies blocking the entrance "the only drug that should be illegal on the streets is narcan, so the next time you guys code you can just get it over with".

flanders 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'd say it's mostly white couples who wear arcterix (yeah yeah spelling fuck off) and other expensive types of clothes, spend on useless crap, they all rent, and for some reason have dogs. But no kids. "WE'RE CHILD-FREE" they crow while sipping wine at 3PM on a patio somewhere.

The government gives $6,500 per year per kid under 6. That's $19,000 just for three kids which based on personal observation is how many the average immigrant couple has. Top it off with the other various benefits and presto. Of course nobody would lie on a government form, that'd be illegal.

Does anyone know of Canadian couples who have kids? I'd say two is rare, three is nearly unheard of.

flanders 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm probably not getting the joke.

Doesn't matter, we're going to essentially be a wasteland of small balkanized regions, ethnically and/or politically divided.

The only thing left of Canada will be the CRA asking for money every year.

flanders 5 points ago +5 / -0

The sooner we can a) end this bullshit once and for all or b) have the government show their hand and allow us to see how screwed we are which would most likely result in massive protests and civil action, either way I'm down.

I've had enough of this covid crap, I'm tired of hearing about it.

flanders 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they want to give you a close shave with their car, throw a rock to remind them that it's not hard to turn their wheel slightly to the left.

flanders 4 points ago +4 / -0

Lots of Canadians ontario residents...

ontarios aren't Canadian

flanders 9 points ago +9 / -0

Countries such as Japan, Isreal and Denmark are already using vaccine passports as a way of getting life and the economy back to normal.

I don't remember needing to show my papers to order a burger. What normal are they referring to exactly?

flanders 9 points ago +9 / -0

Because addicts can do anything they want and get off without any punishment. High on oxy and kills someone? Not their fault of course.

flanders 10 points ago +10 / -0

We can hot bunk in cargo containers that contain 10 racks, 20 xersonz per container.

12 hour shifts at the CBC's fulfillment centres, farm modules, and manufactoriums, the very lucky ones given the task of monitoring social media and email accounts for hatespeech while tracking non-vaxxed undesirables.

Pay? What pay. You get your daily allotment of low protein gruel, everyone gets a drab grey jumpsuit with your pod/section/zone number stenciled on it, and once the initial zone of 500,000 pods (in Toronto of course) has been completed the mobilization of Compliance Companies will begin.

Xey will be responsible for outward progressive acquisition of new Comrades using a combination of dialog, sermons, and on the spot executions of those not deemed acceptable, lead by a CBC appointed commissar who will read from The Codex Ameliorium, a holy book that outlines who is and who is not allowed to be part of our brave new Global Society.

The elites however, our Dear Leaders and Finest Experts will live in luxury. It will be known far and wide that they alone may decide what is Right and Correct.

We Love The Leaders. We Love Progressive Compliance.

Long Live The CBC!

flanders 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Vancouver sub is cheering this attack, stating it's a GOOD THING

Fucking lemmings, and of course the mods are deleting comments that don't adhere to the narrative.

I hope bike boy gets charged. Had this been reversed, reddit would have doxxed him already.

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