mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Niagara Region resident here - Niagara-On-The-Lake has been completely taken over by Toronto faggots who sold their GTA homes and moved to NOTL to carry on like noveau riche that think they are better than the locals. And they brought their SJW liberal politics with them.

I avoid the town like the plague, only go there for work service calls.

mozzer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Look at the appearance of the younger cops you see on patrol.

In my region there seems to be an abundance of low iq gym rats with full sleeve tattoos. Choice of 'tactical beard' or Mr.clean bald, and a dgaf attitude when they talk to you.

The older guys are still ok, but they will be retiring soon.

mozzer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lol this just reminded me of being in high school in the 90's in Ontario. 5 years if you were going to Uni (OAC).......my birthday is early in the year so I was old enough to drink my last semester.....fondly recall running into teachers at the bar near my school.....at lunch

mozzer 9 points ago +9 / -0

I live 1km from the US border......I've got year old mail sitting in my mailbox on the other side.

Rumour around these parts is end of May

mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

My prediction is a slim majority for Turd/Freeland/Butts

O'Toole has the charisma of a cumsock. The lefty media will either destroy him or ignore him outright.

mozzer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't understand what the point of this was?

mozzer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watching CBC, CTV, CNN, MSNBC is forbidden in my house. My wife doesn't want to listen to me scream at the TV. She gets mad.

Has been this way for years.

mozzer 8 points ago +8 / -0

I had to site visit a prospective new client a few weeks back. Older guy, he shook my hand as soon as I walked in the door. I didn't hesitate to do so.

Later in the meeting he told me that he now uses the handshake for pretty much this reason, once he knew he and I were on the same page regarding the Chinese flu scamdemic.

mozzer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Revising the data to fit the government narrative ...... and the media is implicit

Journalism is dead

mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone has clearly never experience "cougar head"

"Even women over 40 are disgusting"

what a dumb post

mozzer 9 points ago +9 / -0

Employer of 23 here. Not going to be mandatory in my shop.

I have 2 employees who are chinkflu paranoid, and the rest don't give a fuck.

They can get the vaccine on their own time if they are scared.

mozzer 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's a pretty wild read, including the comments

mozzer 9 points ago +9 / -0

I flew back to Canada on January 19th after a 3 month work trip to Central America. On the last leg of my flight departing from El Salvador to Toronto, I could NOT board the plane without showing proof I had downloaded and registered on the app. I didn't know this until the boarding process.

It is NOT optional.....the feds have the airlines forcing you to download it or you can't board.

When I landed, at customs they demand your 'registration code' from the app.

I immediately deleted the app the moment I left the airport. Then on day 3 of my 14 day quarantine I started getting emails that I wasn't responding to inquiries about my 'status' that the app was supposedly asking me. So the gov started calling me.

For the remainder of my quarantine, I received 5 more phone calls from the government checking in on me.

mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget Gerald Butts either. He is also Trudeau's puppetmaster.

mozzer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly......the Liberal funded media is used here to "Plant the Seeds" for what comes next, to minimize the shock and outrage when it actually rolls out.

This paragraph in particular, for those that didn't read, or read carefully:

If the Prime Minister did implement a national strategy, he could then hire some of the million Canadians currently unemployed, and finally launch an effective test and trace program country-wide. He could compel domestic drug manufacturers to retool and start producing more vaccines. He could, like U.S. President Joe Biden, use the national defence forces to set up regional vaccination centres.

mozzer 2 points ago +2 / -0


But St. David's is bad too. All those cookie cutter neighbourhoods off Four Mile Creek Rd are GTA buyers.

mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

How's that? Alienating your loyal base and somehow hoping concurrently to woo over Liberals and Dippers? Foolish.

I'm a lifelong Conservative/Reform voter, and I think O'Toole and the current party messaging fucking sucks, and they will get destroyed if there is an election this year.

mozzer 10 points ago +10 / -0

I live in a village in Niagara, with a population of about 5000. We are being taken over by GTA idiots. No new development for 20 years, suddenly every empty field is now a new development.

mozzer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I cancelled in 2017, when they went full TDS

mozzer 2 points ago +2 / -0

time vs money conundrum........get to discoveries as fast as possible.....negotiate settlement......that would be my strategy if I were these 'inventors'

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